Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Before the Hunt...

The night before the annual hunt is always a "treat"! Treat is emphasized and commonly known as chaos. Finding everything, packing everything, finding your tag and preparing for anything that "could" happen but more than likely wont (like getting a deer), makes for a very long night. We do have a little bit of fun amidst all the chaos.

This is known as "The Caterpillar". Josh pulls out his very nice mummy bag and thinks it is hilarious to get in and chase Chloee around like a caterpillar. The picture does no justice with out Josh's great sound affects and voice of the ever so scary caterpillar. Chloee is laughing as she runs away from him.

Oh, it is just too much!!! The caterpillar got her and is eating her. If you could see this done, you would absolutely die of laughter. I am still laughing just writing about it.

The caterpillar out of disguise. One thing I LOVE about Josh is he is not afraid to get down and play with kids, especially Chloee, no matter how ridiculous he looks. A great characteristic that I love about him. That is one I have always cherished about my dad, he really doesn't care what other people think or are saying about him. That characteristic makes the BEST dad, which I am very glad that Josh has too!!!

Get out your orange! She doesn't look so happy but hey, really what are my odds of getting her when she is happy?... Not great considering the 90/10 ratio.

Toots trying out her new coat. I love pink on her, wait, who am I kidding, I love her in all colors. It's a little big now but at least it will go for a couple of winters!!!


Amy and Micheal said...

You guys are killing me!!! My stomach is still aching from laughing so hard at "the caterpillar" as it devours the Chlo! I still remember last year when you guys caught it on video. Chloee couldn't even crawl yet. You showed it to us, and I swear we all peed our pants we were dying of laughter! Still just as funny now as it was then, if not more. :)

Anonymous said...

Chloee looks great in her new pink coat :) Hilarious pictures of the "catapiller", so creative!