Sunday, January 27, 2008

Only One...

As I reflected back on my New Year's resolutions for 2007, I realized that I had only one that I kept, but hey, I actually kept one through out the whole year of '07. I made a resolution to write a thank you note every time someone did something nice for me or my family, anytime a thank you was needed to be said.

For all of you who know me, know that one of my biggest pet peeves is people that are ungrateful. I CANNOT stand when people can't say a simple thank you for a kind deed or thought that someone else did. It makes it hard to want to do anything for that person because you feel like there was such a lack of appreciation when you put thought and love into something for someone else.

Now, before I make myself sound like some saint, I have on many occasions forgot to say thank you and it is inexcusable but we are all human. I am sorry for anyone that I have hurt or offended by not showing you my appreciation and gratitude.

I read once how much more an actual written thank you note means to people rather than just saying it or dropping an email. Granted they are all great and you are showing that you are appreciative. It is the time that someone took out of their day to actually think of you and take the time to write that note. Then to know your address or find it and get a stamp on it and to take it to the post office (my big problem). It really is a hard process but you feel so great when you are done because people know that you truly do appreciate them. Anytime I get a thank you note in the mail, I really think about how much effort that person put into letting me know that they are grateful.

I'm not saying that I'm some wonderful person who did this. I'm sure I missed many occasions that called for one and many were late. I always tried to write it down and post it on a cabinet so that I would see it every day. It made me feel much better and I want to challenge any one else to do the same. You gain a new appreciation for others because as you are writing it, once again, you are reminded of something sweet or noteworthy that someone else did for you.

I have never kept a resolution and I am glad that this one stuck!


Jenny said...

Great resolution to keep. Great idea :)

Amy and Micheal said...

You always made my day when I would receive a cute thank you in the mail! Even if it was playing with the Tootsberry, which I LOVE!! You are a wonderful example to me for that!