Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CrAzY ChLoEe

The crazy Chlo doing what she does best, being crazy!!!

Just look at how big that tummy is! I love it! She has to dress herself now and it takes about a good 30 minutes before she gives up and wants me to help.

This little girl LOVES the fridge and that is an understatement at its finest! She always wants the fridge open and she loves to just sit in it!

As I said before, my crazy Chloee. I take no responsibility for the craziness in her, it must all come straight through Josh from Grandma Kathy. Just teasing, I love Kathy but let's be honest, it does come from Josh's side, not mine. We are all so perfectly sane and not crazy! Ok, now that you are all laughing hysterically, I will end and say no more!


Jenny said...

What a cutie you have Kim! I love the first picture! How funny that she actually sits inside the fridge, I've never seen that before! I also checked out your post below...I can't wait for the warm weather. But where we live we need to have a major meltdown before Seth can even get to his swing set!

Amy and Micheal said...

Does the Chlo vacation there in the fridge with Baby? They should put in a mall, and maybe some condos, if perhaps Aunt Mamy wanted to enjoys the cool weather. What a silly little girl. I love that one of her trying to put on her pants! That tummy of hers is so chubby, and so adorable!! We need to come see you!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

That is the cutest picture of Chloee in the fridge! We had to put a lock on our fridge cause Ethan tried to help himself to several "sippee-fuls" of milk too often! What is it with toddlers and fridges?
Poor Chloee! She has to be strapped down for a test! OHH! THat's hard for a mom to watch!

Heather said...

I love the fridge photo! She is going to have the best pictures of her childhood!