Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Results


As most of you know, we had our 2nd appointment at Primary Children's Hospital yesterday for Chloee. It was a very physically, mentally and emotionally draining day, as most things are when it comes to Chloee.

We went in for the VCUG 2 hours prior to our actual appointment with the doctor. This is where they do the bladder x-rays. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to be in there and see it but I did start out in there. She got to wear a cute little hospital gown with her little diaper bum hanging out the back. I stayed on the outside of the radiation room section and watched through a window. Josh held her hands above her head, the technician held her legs apart and the nurse did the catheter. She screamed of course, A LOT! They drained her bladder and had to fill it up with some fluid to the maximum capacity that her bladder could take it. She was hysterical and they said that it really hurts them to have it be that full. As she screamed for me and her face turned purple, I had to step out. I left the room and could still hear her so I went OUT of the radiology department into the main hallway of the hospital and I COULD STILL HEAR HER! It was absolute torture. I bawled like a child and I felt like the worst parent alive! The actual exam only took about 25 minutes or so. I went back in and they couldn't get her to urinate. She was screaming for me. They said, "You can see your mommy once you pee, okay!" Oh, rip my heart from my chest and leave me there to die. They had to bandage her legs together and turn her side to side to get the x-rays and images. It was not fun but when I was finally able to go hold and comfort her, I felt whole again! There is nothing I hate more than seeing my child in pain. I would gladly take it and go through anything for her, just to take it away but I know that I can't. It really softened my heart and made me think that that must be how our Heavenly Father feels. He wants to take it away but he knows that we must experience these things. It must be the worst pain to watch your children do the things they do or the things they go through and know that you can't do anything!

Then we had an hour wait until our actual doctor appointment, so we went to the cafeteria. She got to get some treats and she loved the sucker they gave her after her x-rays. We sat and talked and laughed as Chloee was saying "Hi" to everyone!

I was originally going to cancel my appointment because she was no longer complaining about the paint but I had a feeling to keep it and better off to know that she is fine. Well, such was not the case. I am so glad I kept that appointment. She has Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux. She only has it on her left side, which is good. It means that instead of her urine exiting through the urethra, it is backing back up, or "refluxing" back into her kidneys. The doctor said that on a scale of severity from 1-5, Chloee is a 2. On 4 & 5 they usually have them do surgery right away. When it is not as severe they like to play the "waiting" game. 80% of the children with the lower severity will correct itself in the next 3-5 years. This is what this means for us. She will be on an anti-biotic EVERYDAY for the next 3-5 YEARS. The antibiotic is to help prevent her getting any UTI's. When she gets infection in there, that is when it causes problems. When it refluxes back to her kidneys and their is an infection in there, that is when serious damage is done to the kidneys. Evidently, your kidneys grow or develope the most in the first 3 or so years of life, so it is a very big deal if she gets a UTI. If she does, I have to make sure that the doctor cultures it and I have to call Primary's and they will decide what they want to do as far as surgery or anything goes. She basically has to be on a very close watch. Here's the stinky thing, it is genetic and she was born with it. We have a 33% change that all of our girls will have this problem and Chloee's girl's have a 75% chance that they will have it. I don't know whose side is comes from.

She has to have a VCUG done every year to see how the progress is coming. She has to have ultrasounds on her kidneys done very other year and our other children (mainly girls) will have to be tested for this same thing. I am overwhelmed. Being a woman and a mother and just being ME, I cry a lot and I feel as though things could have been worse but I feel so bad for Chloee. She has had a run of bad health since she was born. The way I look at it, my daughter is one tough cookie. She has been through a lot since she was born and she is a fighter. In this world you have to be a fighter to get through this wicked, wicked world and I am so glad to have her. She is such a strength to me and the best blessing. I know that she is being prepared for greater things in her life. What a growing and humbling experience it has been to be a mother and experience feelings and emotions I didn't even know I had. It has been a rough 2 years but I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world.


The Over Family said...

Wow, what an entry, Kim! I really can't believe all of the things that go on in your life awful! I hope that Chloee is one of the lucky 80% who heals herself of this ailment naturally. Take care!

Amy and Micheal said...

Oh that dear Chloee! Your whole family is in our prayers!! What a traumatic thing to have to endure, but I am glad that you were able to catch it before it was a 4 or 5. Please let me know what I can do to help, even it's dance around like a fool to make you guys laugh! We love you!

Krysta said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting. I e-mailed you the other day so now you know I've checking out your blog.

What a traumatic experience! I honestly can't even imagine...I thought stitches with my boys over and over again were awful! Chloe tops them by far! Your right about motherhood, you experience things you wouldn't have even imagined yourself going through and you grow so much from it.

Maren said...

I am so glad that you didn't cancel that appointment!! I'm glad they figured out what it was, but I'm sorry you guys had to go through that. Please let me know if I can do anything!

(I know you are amazed that I actually left a comment! Baby-steps!)

Jenny said...

Hey Kim,

Sorry about all of the problems with the Chlo!! You are a great mom and you are strong as well!! You probably WANT more girls in your little fam, but maybe the rest will just be boys :) (j/k). Is Chloee able to go potty # 1 ok on a regular basis w/out hurting? I hope so!!
Also is answer to your blog below (about the shower head stuff), I guess if she's freaked out about it, don't use it as a way to punish her for going in her underwear (when she gets them) as we did Seth....we have a new thing that is working for him. But the way I wash Seth's hair (as he HATES water in or near his eyes) is I get a dry washcloth and have him cover his eyes with it, then I have him tilt his head back and proceed to wash and rinse his hair with a cup, it works wonders :) Josh will sometimes make him lay back in the tub to rinse his hair off in the water, but he freaks out. Sorry for the long comment, hope something helps :)

Love, Jen

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

WOW! YOu do have one tough little girl! It's hard to watch your child in pain, especially when they scream your name! Ethan always yells my name when he is in pain! I hope she feels better! POOR THING! She is so young! It's times like this that only make you and those around you stronger!

Sandstone Writings said...

An amazing entry. It brought back a lot of feelings to me even though I am now in the Grandma stage. We will be praying for you. said...

That is no fun! Now that you know, hopefully she won't have any more problems with infections and it'll just go away. Good luck!

Heather said...

This post totally makes me cry. I'm sorry you had to go through this, and I'm sorry that Chloee is going through this. Uhh. It just makes my heart ache. I hope things go well and she doesn't get any UTIs. In the meantime, make sure you take good care of yourself! This is so hard on a mom!