Thursday, November 20, 2008

*Big Girl Bed*

We did it!!! We have been wanting to move Chloee over to a big bed for a while, seeing as how we need the crib here pretty soon for the baby. We didn't want her thinking that the baby was taking away her bed, so we knew there needed to be plenty of time. Yes, my child is 2 1/2 and we are barely doing this! I like the thought of my child being quarantined and not being able to get out of bed to destroy everything in sight!

We were going to do a toddler bed but we decided to just go all the way to a twin instead. We went and bought the bed yesterday and she was SOOOO excited. It was really cute! She looks so tiny in the huge bed but she looked so HUGE in that tiny crib!

After Josh got it all set up last night, she just sat there and read books to her "babies" in it. By the time bed time rolled around, I think she had about 15 books on her bed that she was laying down reading.

Do you think she has enough? I don't even think this is all of them either. We have a great book collection due to grandma Kathy who has been very sweet about giving us all of her kids' books that they don't read anymore. She loves them all! Chloee is definitely one that loves to read. I think she knows about 4 books by heart and she will read (recite, or whatever) them to you word for word on the right pages.

This extremely bright, shiny comforter is so cute. It is reversible, so she can do the silver side too. She loves that it is slippery and silky!

Overall, it went really good. We put a new knob on her door with the lock on the outside. I know that sounds mean but we have to lock her in. KAREN, YOU WERE A HUGE INSPIRATION TO JUST DO IT! We still did the same routine where Josh sits in there and reads books to her while she sits on his lap and then she gets in her bed while he sits there and reads. She took a little longer to go to bed. She got up 3 times in the middle of the night BUT never got off her bed, just cried until Josh went in to see what she was crying about. We are going to switch up how she goes to bed and start leaving the hall light on with her door open and have her fall asleep on her own, in her bed, now that she's a BIG GIRL and all. We'll see how that goes. I'm sure this isn't the end of it, she will start getting off her bed as soon as someone isn't sitting in there with her. Oh well, we have to make this change before this baby gets here!

Now, if only I could get her potty trained...


Amy and Micheal said...

What a big girl! She is such a cutie with all her books and babies. Likes the silk, eh? Hmm, who does that remind me of? Like mother like daughter. No cotton bedspreads for the Chlo, she'll have silk everything. Too bad the reversible side wasn't a bright blue. :) Did you pick out that bedspread, Kim? Come on, Kim, own up. You couldn't resist. Ha ha! j/k

I hope that it all goes well and she adjusts soon. We can't wait to see this big girl bed in person when we come on Saturday!

Krysta said...

That's a big thing to get done before the baby comes. Good job!!

Karen said...

WOO HOO!!! What a big girl. I love the quilt. It looks really soft and comfy. I kind-of want one too. ;) Way to take the plunge guys!

Marcus said...


We still need to buy our kids a new bed. they are on a mattress on the floor. Beware we put the lock on the outside of the door and it worked well for a while until Sierra locked the door and then shut it locking everyone inside. Luckily I got home within the half hour and freed everyone. We ended up taking the whole door knob off. Stefan saw the pic of Chloe in her yellow dress and said "What a cutie"

Love Annie

Bob and Marie said...

What a cute room. I love her walls. Congrats on the move to the big girl bed. Sarah slept in a portacrib for 6 months because Joshua was still in the crib. I, like you, needed to be able to keep him in a confined space or he would have never slept. It was only when he figured out how to get out of his crib on his own...showing up in the hallway at naptime..that we did the big boy bed. We figured we might as well. I hope she does well with it. She's such a doll!

Jen Duke said...

I LOVE what you've done with her room and I love the new bedspread too. Duane & Brittney kept Carly in a crib until she was 3- or like the month before she turned 3. It happens. By the way, your hair is SO CUTE!!

Stacie Peterson said...

That little Chlo is such a cutie. I know this will make you feel better cause I am the ideal parent, but Chan didn't get out of the crib til he was 2 and 1/2 and we went straight to the twin bed also. So how can it be bad if I did it? Anyway it's cute to see her getting so big. Tell her we miss her!

The Family said...

Doesn't she look like a princess now with that bright, shiny bedspread. She looks so small in that great big bed, huh.

I can't wait to see you guys. Give kisses and hugs from all of us.

Jenny said...

How fun :) When Seth moved to a bigger bed I was always afraid that he'd fall out (guess that's something you wanted to hear huh?) Well, I don't remember if he ever did or not. Anyway, it's fun to watch them have so much fun when something changes in their room :) I didn't know if we could convince Seth to move to the other bedroom, but he's been in it a while now and seems fine with it, although he still doesn't want a little sister! said...

How fun! It will be interesting to see what she does when she realizes she can get out. Braden would get into the fridge and bring me milk, cheese, etc. in the middle of the night. I even caught him in the living room once eating yogurt in the dark. The funny/weird things kids will do!!