Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Weekend...

Halle just turned 5 months yesterday, on the 20th. I gave her rice cereal for the first time on Saturday. I don't think that any of it actually got in her mouth. She just spit it out every time. Oh well!

Make plans to take your child's 3 year pictures and then of course they will do something to mess up their face. Her nose actually looks lots better in this photo than from a few days before. I was going to do her pics last weekend and on Thursday she fell and slammed her nose on concrete... not so forgiving.

Trevor... Chloee's friend. They are so hilarious together. He even taught her the word whiz. Now when she has to go to the bathroom she says, "Hey, Mom, I gotta take a whiz!". Too funny!

We went to Clinton City's Heritage Days on Saturday. We went with our friends, Todd and Cindy and their kids. As we were waiting for the fireworks to start I got some sweet pictures of them playing with the swords they bought.

Me and Cindy. Both of our families tease us when we say that we are going to hurry and run over to the other ones house real fast and get something. They say, "Ok, see you in 5 hours." So not true, but not far off.

The fireworks were fun and they did a lot of them for being a small city. The kids loved them too. Halle really thought they were neat!

Yes, she's a bear when she doesn't get to bed at a decent hour. It was 11:30 pm and we were still at the park waiting for it to clear out so we could get our car out.

These weird little things have been coming around this summer. I guess they're junebugs. Who knows... but aren't they ugly little things? Yes, yes they are!


Anonymous said...

really awesome pics of the fireworks!! That IS an ugly bug, but a cool pic too. I hope Chloee's nose heals quick. Did she break it or anything? Halle looks so cute in her bumbo chair, do they really help the babies learn to sit up? I want to help Melanie learn how to sit up, but I'm not sure how to help her.

Renae Williams said...

Halle looks like such a big girl in that chair! My little chunky bunk! Glad she's doing better. Bet that hurt bad when Chloee biffed it. You and Cindy are hilarious together. Glad that you're friends. What a blessing!

The Family said...

Cool pix, Kim! I didn't know you could do that! Poor Chlo and her nose...ow! Give that cereal-covered Halle face a kiss, K?

Maren said...

Halle is such a cutie and a chunk! Sorry to hear about Chloee's face. You know that kind of stuff always happens when you are bound and determined to take pictures. Remember Nate's big goose-egg?!! Funny times!

Amy and Micheal said...

Oh that Hallsie!! She is so cute sitting up her Bumbo! I bet she'll catch on soon that rice cereal is just another delicious way to fill that expanding belly of hers.

I love the firework pictures and the kids' swords. They look so awesome! I loved doing stuff with Todd and Cindy while I was down there. They are such a hoot! Way cute shirt you're wearing in that picture, BTW.

Disgusting bugs! They have the whole earth as their playground, why do they need to invade our homes and yards. It's especially the grossest when you unknowingly step on one and hear that 'crunch' Yuck!

What a fun post! So, I'll see you tomorrow then! Right? Right? That's right, you do what I say...