Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life as I know it, IS OVER

Halle has started to scoot, which is only going to turn into crawling. Awhhhhh!!! This morning she was in the front room by the couch and I went into the kitchen to get Chloee some yogurt. I lifted my head to talk to Chloee and there was Halle, peering over the stairs. She was checking them out and getting ready to go on down them. I screamed and ran over to grab her. Seriously, it was like 1 minute in that amount of time. She made it there so fast it's not even funny. The stinky part about all of this is that our banisters and stairs DON'T line up. Some moron did a fine job of that. How am I supposed to put a gate up? Any suggestions, please share!!!

On a completely different note, Chloee said something funny this morning. She wanted me to go downstairs and watch Cinderella with her. I told her I had to shower because I had a doctor's appointment. She said to me, "Why? You don't stink to me!" she kills me.


Amy and Micheal said...

If I could, you know I would be your own personal baby gate anytime. I cannot believe how fast that little chica is, especially with all that weight she has to scoot with her!! I love watching her do it though. It's SO cute!

Oh Chloee, what will she say next? The possibilities are endless!

thejohnmfamily said...

I wish I had a good suggestion on a gate. I did have one friend who never used one and just taught her son to go down the stairs backwards when he was really young. It worked for them, but is there a way you can put the gate up at an angle? I know they adjust and have a lot of new gates now. Good luck!

Shaun and Lisa said...

Wow, there is no way she can be that big already! I don't have any great long term suggestions, but in the meantime you can always put some boxes or just something in front of the stairs. That's what we did with Isabel when we moved and didn't have a gate yet. What a cutie, though. Have fun!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Ohhh! YOu have a little scooter on your hands! So much fun those stages of our little girls!!! They grow up so fast! I can't beleive my little girl is already a month old!

Love the comment by Chloee! You don't stink to me! hahahah sooo cute!

Heather said...

Never dull, is it? :-) Your girls are just the cutest and smartest!

Josh said...

Her army crawl is funnier than anything I've ever seen. She sees her goal, locks her attention, sticks out her tongue for balance and concentration and moves crazy fast for such a little fat cutie. What an amazing experience it is to watch kids grow. I remember when Chloee was that fat...