Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Already Started...

Josh and I went out on a date Friday night and when we came back Amy and Chloee were watching New Moon together. Chloee was obsessed and asking Amy all sorts of questions. Well, she wanted to watch it this morning. It was on and Bella was kissing Edward and the following conversation occurred.

Chloee: "Mom, why is she kissing him?"

Me: "Because she loves him and boys kiss girls."

Chloee: "Oh, so boys kiss girls and girls kiss girls?"

Me: "A... No! Boys kiss girls and girls kiss boys!"

Chloee: "So can girls marry girls and boys marry boys just as long as they don't kiss?"

Me: (thinking, is she seriously asking me these questions???) "No sweetie, girls kiss and marry boys and boys kiss and marry girls. It makes Jesus sad when girls kiss girls or when boys kiss boys. It's wrong for girls to kiss girls. See, Mommy is a girl and Daddy is a boy and we kiss and we're married."

Chloee: "But you kiss me and Halle all the time!"

Halle then tried to fly down the stairs and we got cut off. I tried to talk to her again about it after Halle was taken care of and she said she just wanted to watch her show. We talked some more anyway and I explained it to her.

Seriously, she's not even 4 yet! Oh, the joys of parenthood!


Sandstone Writings said...

Good job on handling one of the surprises of parenthood. I loved the way you took her question and answered it respectfully and in an age appropriate way. It's not easy. I remember some of those interesting times with my kids!

Amy and Micheal said...

Oops, guess that may be my fault for our New Moon/hair straightening girls night. I didn't know she'd like it so much!