Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chloee's 4th Birthday

Chloee turned 4 on June 3rd. It was supposed to be nice weather so we could set up the slip n' slide but it was ugly and overcast. Of course, it poured on my birthday, took a break and was sunny and hot on the 2nd and then was bad weather again on the 3rd for Chloee's bday. We can't catch a break.

Amy filled up all of these water balloons for the kids. They each had one big one and then there were all of the little ones.

Those little ones wouldn't pop for anything.

Chlo hoarding her big balloon, planning who she's going to throw it at.

Amy and I got on the tramp and started bouncing the little ones, trying to see if we could get them to pop.

No such luck!

Yeah, let's just say that I should have went to the bathroom before I got on the tramp. When I was jumping I thought I was going to wet my pants. We were all throwing balloons at each other and Kai has quite the arm and hit me smack in the bladder. Yep, I wet my pants! That's right, I'm admitting it!

Chloee hit the jackpot on this game and got 106 tickets!

Chloee is obsessed with those ticket/arcade places. We went out to eat at McDonald's, she picked. Then we hit this place called The Classic Fun Center or something like that. It was packed! Lots of kids, it was the last day of school. Lots and lots of people!

This was the only thing that got Hals to stop screaming.

Halle having to do it herself.

As you can see, all of the kids LOVED this horse!

This stupid game. I think it was rigged. I swear Amy hit the jackpot on it multiple times and then it would switch its lighting. We were addicted to it.

Yes, I took pictures of these weirdo kids. They were the most crazy kids ever.
Check out this kid's hair. A mohawk and a mullet? Are you joking? And how old is he, like 4, MAYBE????

What's with the braided rat tail? Josh called this a Lehi hairdo. These kids whipped Amy with a licorice rope, they were running around like crazy kids on top of the games. One of them was probably 7 and wearing a nicely faded wife beater and that was it for his top. Another one was maybe 8 and he had diamond studded earrings in his ears. What????

Hallseis' favorite game, when Daddy holds her upside down and pretends to drop her.

The kids had so much fun with all the games.

This doll head would not stop shedding hair, so I covered her up with aluminum foil. Amy thought this was hilarious and took a picture.

She turned out great. It almost killed me. I had to do parts and then stuff her back in the freezer and then repeat. It seriously look me all day to do it because I had to do it in intervals. My wrist started clamping up on me!

You can see here that I put earrings and a pearl necklace on her.

Cute little flowers in her hair.

The back.

Chloee loved it! I was so happy that she loved it so much. My mom gave me cake decorating tips for my birthday. That was the only reason I could do this cake. Thanks, Mom!

Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!

I did the cake batter in colored layers so it would look cool when he cut into her dress.

Chloee's big present was a new bike and helmet. It was outside and we basically had to point at it and say, "this is yours" for to get it. It was way too late. I think we did cake and ice cream at 10 pm and then did presents after that!



The Over Family said...

That cake is absolutely AMAZING!!! Seriously -- GO PROFESSIONAL! And Happy LATE birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Chloee is 4! Her hair is getting so long & is it all natural curl? I love the tramp pictures!! Thanks for sharing the story about the woman you helped. My mom just had her second treatment on Tue. and I couldn't help but think of her. She is bald now also & has a wig made. I hope she makes it through all of her treatments. Her hair won't come back until she is done with them in Oct. It always feels so wonderful helping others. I'm glad you had a spiritual experience! Happy B-day :)

Amy and Micheal said...

I don't even know where to start, that day was so fun/crazy! The balloons were so much fun, I think we may have had more fun than the kids.

Seriously, I swear I still have the bruise on my leg from that weirdo-hair kid whipping me with it. And in my own opinion, I should have easily won the jackpot on that stupid game at least 4 times!

I can't believe how fast Chloee is growing up. I'm so glad she had such a great birthday and that we got to spend it with her!

Amy and Micheal said...

And the cake! How could I ever forget the cake!? It was so fun to watch and help where I could. I swear I'm still finding those doll hairs all over everything! You did such a great job Kim!