Saturday, October 23, 2010

The New Look

A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I needed a change. Nothing permanent but something to just feel... different. I remember back in high school, I used to dye my hair black, just the temporary dye. It comes out in 6-8 weeks. I have never actually dyed my hair for real, ever!

I went up to my mom's and she did it for me. I actually hit about 6 or so stores before I could even find the temporary hair dye anywhere. They don't really make it anymore because everyone DOES dye their hair permanent. Here it is. At first, I couldn't really tell a difference until I got home and it got darker as time went on. Thanks mom, you're a true beautician at heart.

Chloee's most absolute favorite thing of all time is, making cookies with my mom. She is always asking me when she gets to go to grandma's house again and make cookies.

The other day she was pretending to be talking to my mom on the phone, when all of a sudden she just burst into tears and when I asked her what was wrong, she retorted with, "I just really miss Grandma Renae." She was inconsolable. I know she misses my mom terribly and we really don't get to see her very often.

The team hard at work.

Chloee's #1 job: Cookie Dough Tester.

They turned out marvelous and yes, I ate some of the dough too.

This praying mantis was outside on my mom's porch so I snagged a picture of him. I love how you can see his antennas and all. I told Halle, don't step on that guy. Yeah, she clobbered his back with her heal shortly after I took this picture.


Amy and Micheal said...

I love your hair! It looks so cute! And Josh noticed it, too!

Hey, at least you didn't eat the whole batch this time and then throw up all night like you did that one time.

Chloee has so much fun with Mom, and baking cookies too. She is a fantastic grandma! Poor Mantis, clobbered by the Hals! Love the pic!