Monday, November 8, 2010

The Junk Counter

This is our junk counter. It's where we put everything, it's our catch-all, if you will. If I am running in or out the door, something always gets set on the junk counter. I clean it off almost every single day, no joke, and it still ends up looking like this. This was not set up, it actually looks like this. Just this morning Chloee was looking for something to take for show and tell at school and our conversation went as follows:

Chloee: "Mom, where is my leaf? I want it for show and tell."

Me: "I don't know. Look on the counter downstairs."

Chloee: "On the counter-counter or the junk counter?"

That's when I realized, it's gotten that bad. I've said for her to put things on the junk counter before but hearing HER actually call it that made me realize that the junk counter needs a new name. Maybe the clean counter... although that would take a lot more on my part.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha :) I think every house needs a place for junk. We have a junk drawer, my parents always had one while I was growing up and even that needs cleaning out once in a while. Good luck keeping it clean :)

Mandy said...

I have one of those too and I can NOT keep it clean. It drives me crazy, but I've decided it is what it is....maybe one day when I don't have kids it'll be clean!

Amy and Micheal said...

Mine are pretty much called 'junk horizontal spaces'. I can't stand them and yet I keep doing it over and over. Ugh! I know, just lay a life-size stuffed jaguar there to take up the space and his fearsome (fake) eyes can scare you off anytime you think of placing something there. I'm a genius.

Bob and Marie said...

I have three junk drawers and a junk pantry. Bob is always making fun of me because I stick the oddest things in the pantry...but it's just right there and I can close the doors. Love that Chloee asked that! Kids say the darndest things.