Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sleeping Bags

Remember a few posts back when I mentioned that I had to ride sleeping bags down the stairs because I was so sore from the freedom run? Well, this is what came of that little fiasco. My girls got this great idea after watching me ride down on a sleeping bag. Obviously, they did it for fun and I was doing it for survival. :)

That play by play with pictures makes me laugh every time I look at them. These two are so crazy. I'm glad that they had fun, my rear end ached after about 10 rides down. Kids are resilient, maybe a little too resilient...


The "O" Clan said...

This cracks me up!! I forgot you mentioned that you went down the stairs in a sleeping bag! So inventive, Kimberlee! ;-) Your girls are just too cute!! Monkey see, monkey do, huh?