Thursday, September 22, 2011

"You Embarrass Me"

Chloee's teacher had asked me if I would help out to do skill sets in the class on Tuesdays. I was sending a note back to her saying I would help. I told Chloee to give it to her teacher and the following conversation happened:

Me: "Give this to your teacher. It's a note telling her that I'll help with skill sets."

Chloee: "No, no, no, I don't want you to come to my class." (tears streaming down her face)

Me: "What? Why not?"


Me: (now tears streaming down MY face) "How do I embarrass you?"

Chloee: "Just don't come to my class. I don't want people to ask me if you're my mom. I don't want people to know that you are my mom. I don't want you there. Just don't come, PLEASE!"

Me: (now crying harder) "Chloee, if I've done something to embarrass you, please tell me. If you really don't want me to come to your class, I won't but you are really hurting my feelings."

Chloee: "Oh good, then I don't have to take the note? Cause you're not coming to my class, RIGHT?"

Me: (heart has been shredded to tiny pieces) "It's not like I'm going to be teaching your class, I'll be in the back with each kid while Mrs. Thurgood is teaching. No one will even know I'm there. Chloee, do you want a new mom?"

Chloee: "No, I still want you to be my mom. You can stay at home but I don't want you at school. You embarrass me."

Me: (kind of wanting to slap her and still feeling like she's stabbing my heart) "Just tell me what I did to make you so embarrassed of me. I'm sorry!"

Chloee: "Okay mom, you can come to my school, but will you please NOT wear your pajama pants?"

Me: "That's what this is about? That can be easily fixed. I will never wear pajama pants to your school."

Chloee: "Thanks mom! I love you."

Ok, a few things to learn here on my part. CLEARLY I wear my pajama pants way too often and my daughter is embarrassed of it. Obviously I would NEVER wear my pajama pants to the school but I will admit that I do not get dressed to take her to school and that is when skill sets start. Another thing I learned is that even though Chloee has called me fat and has told me that she hates me, NOTHING has ever hurt as bad as her telling me that she is embarrassed of me.

I was beyond relieved to hear that it was pajama pants and not something wrong with ME. This one will go down in the books. I will never forget the pain I felt today. That was a stab and twist.


Alisa and Paul said...

I am sure this wasn't nearly as funny to you but I was laughing out loud. You guys are the cutest ever! I am so glad we are friends. Lets play soon!

Abby Fowers said...

Oh my gosh - I keep skipping from peeing my pants to crying. Those moments are so hurtful, but it's hilarious to find out she just doesn't like your pajama pants! haha. She still love her mama!

I don't know, but I think this probably has Nate's sayings beat. haha

Amy and Micheal said...

I could not imagine what it was going to be, but oh the pajama pants made me laugh!! Better yet, your green plaid pajama pants and your wedge shoes, just like your wal-mart trip that one day, eh?? Love you!