Friday, August 3, 2007

The Many Mysteries of the Chlo!!!

SILLY CHLOEE: Ravioli all over the place. Why put food IN my mouth when I can put it ON my face!

DEMANDING CHLOEE: Grandma Renae taught her highness how to pull everything out of the toy box, sit in and scream until someone pushes her around the front room like she's in a car. (Ok so grandma didn't teach her to scream but she pushed her around in it and now she wants to do it ALL DAY LONG)!

BOY CHLOEE: On of the boys at heart!!! Amy was tending Chloee and she didn't want to get her shirt dirty so she put her in one of Kennet's shirts. When she was running around with them, she just looks like on of the boys. She loved the shirt.

INNOCENT CHLOEE: This just shows her innocence at the end of the day, how could you get mad at that face! (My favorite of all the Chloee's)