Monday, August 13, 2007

Wild Weekend

Chloee taming this wild baby beast. I know, he looks ferocious!

This was our fun family vacation. Chloee loves the animals so it was a lot of fun taking her. It was EXTREMELY hot!

She loved the monkey area. This is right after we came out of the tropical and desert exhibits. Oh yeah and I tripped over a peacock and it looked at me like it was going to have me for dinner.

I think she measures up, maybe not in stature, but in spirit, a big fat YES!!!

Our hotel had a pool. It was freezing cold but it didn't seem to bother Chloee. She sat in there while mom and dad (the wusses) of the family stayed out and watched Chloee play around. She's a fish at heart!!!


Anonymous said...

Your little Chloee is the cutest! We were just at the S.L.C. zoo on the 11th of Aug. and Seth and my little brother Jake sat on that same Rhino! It's sure a small world. Love, Jen Burbank
P.S. Yesterday Amy's blog came right up, today I type in her address and nothing's there, I'm not sure what to do. I e-mailed her about it and she said it comes up for her....any ideas? I'm new to this blog thing. Thanks for any help! I really want to see Amy's blog so I can comment. Any help would be great, Thanks.