Friday, February 29, 2008

Tender Moments...

Today I was able to experience something wonderful. For all of you moms out there you know what I am talking about when I say that you could have 100 children in the house and still feel alone. I only have one child so many of you who have more probably understand this even more.

Why is it that there can be countless children at home with you but you still feel alone? For me I think it is that I cannot have an adult conversation with anyone and sometimes I need to vent. Today, I realized that I don't give my daughter enough credit for the company and love we share and how in tune to my emotions she truly is.

I was sitting down stairs in Chloee's play room and I just started to cry. Not even knowing why I was crying, I was even more frustrated. My little girl stops completely with EVERYTHING she is doing and comes over and gives me a big hug and lots of kisses. As she stared at me she said, "Mommy sad". She then proceeded to try and wipe my tears away with her fist and she punched me in the eye. I knew her intentions. As I was trying to pull myself together she runs over with a book and sits down next to me. I said, "You want mommy to read the book to you" as I proceeded to take it out of her hands. "No" she said then ripped it out of my hands and read me the book to make me feel better. Whenever she is sad, I read her a book and it always makes everything better. She read it to me just as I read to her. Looking at me after every page to see my reaction and licking her fingers to separate the pages. The tears came even heavier than before and it was in that moment that I realized with Chloee, I am never alone!

Her sweet spirit and tender heart warmed my soul and I understood the tender mercy that God sent to me through my child to help me never feel alone as I struggle to be a stay at home mom and raise my children.


Heather said...

What a sweet and tender moment! And what a credit to you, because you know she learned all those great qualities (wiping tears, reading a book) from you and Josh. Chloee is such a lucky girl to have you guys!

Amy and Micheal said...

What a little sweetie the Chlo is! I cried when I read your post. Not only because it is so sweet, but because my boys always comfort me when I have bad days. How blessed to have each other when the other is having a bummer day. Love you guys!

Marcus said...

She's so sweet. I had the same thing happen to me. I've learned that if you break down and cry they give you what you want. Too bad I didn't figure this out earlier. JK

Annie ( Not Marcus)