Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Every year for Valentine's Day we alternate who plans the evening. I don't believe that it is a holiday where men should always be doing something for their loved one. Why not share it. Well, this year it was Josh's turn. We have had to tone things down a bit since we had Chloee, no babysitter, yadda ya. Anyway it was eventful and fun!

For all of you who REALLY know Josh, know that he is one INCREDIBLE cook. If you have ever had the opportunity of him making you food, you know what I am talking about. One night we ate at Johnny Carino's at Jordan Landing. I had the most amazing "Fiesta Bowtie Pasta" with Asiago cheese. IT WAS SO DIVINE. Well, Josh knew how much I loved it so what do you think he made for Valentine's Day? That's right, he duplicated it perfectly! Thanks sweetie!

Here we are eating dinner. I am actually eating leftovers now for lunch. YUMMY!

I always have to post cute pics of my little Chlo!

Yes, she is wearing my shirt. It is a Dave Matthew's Band shirt. I put it on her while she "draws" at her table. She always writes on herself so this is the best way not to ruin her clothes and she still gets to have fun. We went to the store and she refused to put on her shirt. It was so embarrassing, she looked like a street urchin with her shirt and her furry boots on with her pants tucked into them.

Well, some weird side notes about the day. I finally lost my toenail that has been black for 5 months. I was filing it down and off it popped, it did not feel good. We got a phone call from our credit card company saying that our credit card had been stolen... Long story. We watched, "No Reservations" and it was one of the cutest and cleanest shows I have ever seen. We are making dessert tonight (we were too tired last night). It think Josh said truffles or something like that. We exchanged gifts and had a great time. Thanks for all you did Josh, you are a great husband and I love you.

P.S. The doctor called about Chloee's results on her culture and the UTI bacteria is E-coli. I cried on the phone, there are more details but I won't bore you with them. Hopefully the antibiotic clears everything up.


Heather said...

Wow! What a great day (with cooking - that's awesome that Josh is such a great cook!) and sad day (with the cc stuff). I hope Chloee is feeling better. And I hope you are catching up on your sleep! :-)

Amy and Micheal said...

I remember that T-shirt, ha ha ha! I can't believe it fits Chloee! Tell Josh he can cook for me any night! That looks delicious!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

OHHH!!! Poor Chloee!!!!! I hope that she is feeling better soon!