Monday, February 8, 2010

Why You Don't Comment At Church

A few weeks ago the lesson in Relief Society was on a certain talk in the Ensign. I can't even remember who it was, one of the quorum of the twelve. The talk focused a lot on The Book of Mormon. It was an excellent lesson.

Towards the end of the lesson, the teacher asked if anyone had any experiences with The Book of Mormon that they' like to share. A lot of people commented and I thought I would too. I said,

"When I'm pregnant, I buy a Book of Mormon from the Distribution Center and I try to read the entire thing during my pregnancy. I add in more pages in the back so that I can write notes in there about the different scriptures that I read and really touched me. I mark the scriptures all through it and make notes in it. It's weird how the things that are marked and highlighted are completely different from each child's book. You can be reading the same thing over and over but it is something that is written to help you through all the stages of your life, much like your patriarchal blessing. Because of the different things I was going through with each girl, different things in it brought peace and comforted me through what I was going through at the time. When my kids get older, I am going to give them "their" book so they can see what I was feeling and what was special to me while I was pregnant with them."

Alright, that was super long but I decided to put the write the whole thing. Two days after, I went visiting teaching to one of our ladies, who is the bishop's wife. As we were sitting there chit chatting at the beginning, she says to me,

Joyce: "Kimberlee, I just really wanted to tell you congratulations!"

Me: "What? What do you mean congratulations? What about? Did I win the lottery and no one told me?" (ha ha)

Joyce: "Well, didn't you announce on Sunday during your comment that you are pregnant?"

Me: "What, no! How did..."

Joyce: "I guess I should probably tell my husband that you're not pregnant. Everyone thinks you are!"

Evidently, when I said, "When I'm pregnant....", everyone missed the first word and heard, "I'm pregnant...". My gosh, I wanted to die. So I asked her if anyone else said anything about it. She said that whole side of the room was talking about it, everyone thought I was saying I was pregnant.

I am going to have to have the bishop make an announcement in Sacrament Meeting and tell everyone that I am NOT pregnant. See... that's what you get for making a comment in church. All of a sudden, you're pregnant.


Amy and Micheal said...

I could NOT believe it when you told me that! Maybe that just shows that women need to be paying better attention to the lesson instead of whispering. Sheesh! And what a false rumor to be spread around! Not something simple like moving or driving your car through a children's park. Nothing seems to spread faster than pregnancy gossip. said...

I like what you shared. That's a really neat idea to mark up a different BOM and give it to your girls. I like that.

Bob and Marie said...

Congratulations Kimberlee...:) I'll be sure to tell everyone I know. hehe!

Jen Duke said...

I love that idea! And also, I had that happen to me in my last ward. I was even holding a 3 month old baby. I just had to laugh. Maybe you should announce you're not pregnant in the next good news minute! Ha!