Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Christmas Dresses

I am such a slacker. Yes, here it is February and I am still posting about Christmas. Amy is so good to my girls. She buys all of the nieces dresses at Christmas and Easter time. She always finds the most adorable dresses for them and I am always getting compliments about how gorgeous they look whenever they wear these dresses.

Each dress matches them perfectly. I promise that I had actually done Chloee's hair for church that day although this picture would have you think otherwise.

I couldn't believe that they actually pretended like they liked each other and held hands for his picture.

There's that sneaky little eye of Hals. She's sneaking a peek at the camera.

This is what Halle calls "cute hair". She if finally letting me put things in it without her pulling it out 5 seconds later.

A cute little mug shot!

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a hundred times. This girl looks like me. Everywhere we go, whether people know us or not, people comment on how much we look alike. This picture sold me on that fact. In this picture, she looks just like I did when I was a kid!

Thanks Amy, for the fantastic dresses!


Marcus said...

Chloee looks a lot like you when you were her age. She has those beautiful big brown eyes. Adorable.

Love Annie

Amy and Micheal said...

I love buying those for my little nieces!! They do all the work for me because they are so adorable! And you can't beat a Costco price, no way!!