Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From The Mouth of A Child

We were sitting at the table the other day writing thank you cards to people. Halle was drawing on her card when she suddenly started to giggle and then said this:

(Her giggling, giggle, smile)
Micheal Died
Heaven, Jesus
He Funny!!!
(giggle more)


Amy and Micheal said...

Oh Hallie, why am I never around when you have these little insights! I can't believe she said that. Well, I can, actually. I'm sure her and Micheal have this super tight little bond that we don't have a clue as to how much goes on between them. I'm still pondering on what joke he told her or what he did that made her giggle so much!

Amy and Micheal said...

Why in the world did I spell her name wrong?!?! I'm sorry!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!!! I SWEAR!!!!!