Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

This is normally a statement we make to the girls, snickering as we act as though we are mad. In this case, not the girls' fault. This clothes dryer rack thing has been on its last leg for a few years now. I put some newly washed bathroom mats on it to dry and it snapped like a twig.

Do you see where it is being held together with orange duct tape? Yep, not even the way of the rednecks could keep this thing up. The next morning it was on the ground, broken in more than one place. I swear, we have some things here that if you looked at them cross eyed, they'd break. Clearly, heavy, wet mats worked for this one.


Amy and Micheal said...

I keep laughing every time I read your title because I always picture Josh saying in that funny tone he does! Ha ha! Considering how long you guys have had that thing, it's held up real well. Far better than the DVD rack Micheal and I got as a gift when we got married and it fell to pieces after we placed 5 movies on it! 5!! What a hunk of junk. I think we threw it in the trash that same day.