Friday, January 9, 2009

Potty Breakthrough

Yes, I did just post a picture of my daughter sitting on a toilet. Sorry if that grosses anybody out. Chloee had been doing really well going in her little potty. When we were at my parents' house visiting for Christmas, Chloee wanted to go potty, but we hadn't brought her potty. For the first time EVER, she went on the big potty and hasn't wanted to go the the "little potty" since. I had to snag a picture of this monumental moment at my mom's house. She can even get up all by herself, with no stool and all. I must say, quite a talent. We've been doing pull-ups for about a week now and she only has an accident every once in a while. YEA!!!

Hopefully we can get this all done before the baby comes and I won't have to be buying double the diapers. Wahooooo!


Krysta said...

Good job! Keep at it.

Jenny said...

Yea! You should check out Jamie Gardner's blog....Ethan needs some help :) Hopefully Chloee will be a pro when the baby comes!

Amy and Micheal said...

Way to go, Chlo! Yea, who needs those little girl potties? Not you, it's big girl all the way now! And then when your sister gets here, you can start training ASAP. The Chloee Potty Training Bootcamp! No Slackers, No Diapers!! No Messes! Or else you'll answer to the Sarge...ess? Ok, weird comment. In layman's terms, we are so proud of you Chloee!

The Johnson's said...

That's great--I have a little insert thing (I think it's Blues Clues--I'll have to find it) that fits on the toilet so she won't have to hold on for dear life--I could give it to you next time you come up if you want....??? Maybe she won't need it! Good luck.

The Family said...

Wait! Maybe I need this one for the fridge....j/k. It is a great picture though, but no one knows how much happier you are about it than anyone else. Oh how awesome that she'll be over that by the time the baby gets here.

Heather said...

Yay for Chloee! :-)