Thursday, January 29, 2009


Anna was born January 14th. Ha, and you all thought maybe these were pictures of my baby. I got you all! Ok, maybe not some of you but still... it was fun to do. This adorable baby is my friend, Maren's baby. She is such a doll! Poor thing was in labor for 2 weeks before they induced her. Anna had a rough start and was placed in the NICU. She is home and doing well, ok, that's a relative term. Poor thing has acid reflux and is lactose intolerant so she gets the REALLY expensive formula, just like her brother.

The cute little family. Maren disgusts me. She was seriously back in REGULAR jeans the day she came back from the hospital. She looks incredible, it's not remotely fair, at all. A part of me wants to hate her but I guess I can push off those feelings until I'm done being pregnant. Just kidding, Maren.

I was not able to go see the baby in the hospital, due to the fact that I was been plagued with that stupid cold/flu for 15 days when she had her. I would seriously beat someone to death if they came to the hospital after I had my baby and they were sick. There are some things that are unforgivable in my book and bringing yourself or sick kids around a NEW baby, is definitely one of them. I was finally able to see her after she was a week old.

Congratulations Eborns! I'm glad Nate loves her and always wants to help. Let's pray that my child decides to follow in his footsteps.


Amy and Micheal said...

She is a doll! You tricksy little hobbit! What a good joke! I can't believe Maren is back in jeans already! She looks fabulous. They are an adorable family!

Maren said...

Oh Kim, that picture of me says it all! I look like I've been hit by a dump truck! Oh yeah, it's just no sleep. Thanks for the cute pics. We just love our little girl!

Jenny said...

well you totally got me!! Don't scare me like that!!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

okay! You got me! I was like, ":WHAT??I just checked her blog yesterday!" hahahah nice one Kim! You are soo fun! I miss you girl and hope you and the babe are doing well!

Krysta said...

You did get me! That's funny...

Bob and Marie said...

You got me too. I had to scroll down really quickly because I was in shock. :) Cute post and cute baby. I bet it makes you even more excited for yours to come.

Heather said...

I totally thought you had your baby--hahaha--you're too funny! Congrats to your friends! What a cute family! :-)

Hope said...

You are awful! I was about to call and congratulate you! I hope your feeling okay, I can't wait to see pictures of Chloee's little sis!