Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday Memories

Our church is at 11 am. Having church at this time, completely throws off everything about having a schedule with a child. Granted, 1 pm would be much worse, but still. It throws lunch, nap, everything off. We get home try and get some lunch in Chloee but she is usually loopy because she is so tired. We finally get her down for a nap late, which is stupid of us, but I have to have a nap to survive the day right now. She ALWAYS sleeps too long. Yesterday, I had to wake her up at 5:45 pm, which is like waking a hungry grizzly bear and all they see when they look at you is a big piece of meat. Yes, she wants to claw my eyes out. I knew if I didn't get her up soon, she would never go to bed. Sadly, this means she goes to bed much, much later. I don't think we even ate dinner until 8 pm and got her in bed at 10 pm. This is a regular Sunday here at our house.

Inevitably, every Sunday after Chloee goes to bed, Josh and I stay up and talk. Sometimes about nothing important, sometimes we just reflect on certain things or we talk about goals, etc. Last night we laughed so hard about some things that I thought I was going to cry. We have great emotional talks and just lay whatever we want out on the table and talk. This usually makes for a very short night of sleep. Last night we didn't got to bed until 2:30 am, so I guess that was technically this morning. It's no wonder MONDAYS are so hard, besides the fact that they just normally stink anyway.

That is something I love. I love that we talk about everything. I love that we can stay up till the wee hours of the morning just talking. Sometimes we are laughing about something that could only be funny at 3 am. I have a lot of great memories of our Sunday talks. I'm grateful that I married my best friend, who knows EVERYTHING about me, and loves me still the same! We were talking the other night about how blessed we've been in our lives and how blessed we are to have each other. I couldn't have asked for a better companion!

I read this thought on Marie's blog, it was a comment her Mom had left on one of her posts and it really struck me and got me thinking.

"Our life is God's gift to us, what we do with our life is our gift to God."



Amy and Micheal said...

I love doing that, staying up till all hours and talking. I can't wait till i can do that again with Micheal. It is something that we miss terribly. I am so glad that you and Josh found each other. What a perfect match! And how happy that you two are family! I love the relationship between you two. It is so real. No faking or pretending everything is hunky dory all the time. You know life and marriage is hard, but you also know about all the joys of it, and you have such a deep love because of it. I love that you two are realistic! Love you guys!

Bob and Marie said...

I really enjoy reading your posts...and I enjoy your comments on my posts. That's one of the things I like most about blogging...reading comments from others. It's a great way of connecting with others on our own time and schedule. I was telling Amy the other day...I don't think I've actually seen you in person since Amy's Mary Kay party, but I feel like we're good friends because of our blogs. I appreciate your posts.

I'm glad you and Josh have such a great relationship. I love to stay up and talk...we don't do it often enough. It's funny when you think about growing up as a little girl and teenager and dreaming about being married, and wondering who you would marry and what it would be I stop and think sometimes about how great it is to be married and to have your best friend right there all the time. Okay..super lengthy comment...I've got to quit that. :) I'm excited to see you today!

Krysta said...

How fun and comforting that you two do that. You are making great memories and those will always keep your marriage strong. I am always too tired to talk in bed, but I think I might be missing out. Thanks for sharing that!