Wednesday, March 10, 2010

50 Things About Me...

I saw this on some of my friends' blogs. I thought it would be fun to do. Here are 50 things that you may or may not know about me. Gear up, you're now going to get to see what an interesting person I am. Ha ha, yeah right! :)

1. When I was in 5th grade, I had my appendix out.

2. My husband is an entire foot taller than I am. I am only 5 foot. The shortest in my family.

3. When I was little, then neighbor's dog bit holes through my top lip.

4. I played city softball for 6 years straight.

5. I have no control over my bladder and wet my pants very easily due to the fact that my ever so sweet sister, Amy, used to punch my bladder to torture me.

6. I (along with Amy) used to sneak out of the house at 3 am to put our backpacks down in line so that we could always be first.

7. Josh and I dated for a year before we were married.

8. When I was learning how to ride a bike without training wheels, I went to the end of the street with my dad and went tumbling down a hill. I came to the bottom and laid there as 2 cars almost hit me. I was laying in the road on a bend and neither could see me.

9. I was inactive from the church for over 2 years. I have my husband to thank for helping me come back. I met him at a very ugly time of my life and he still wanted to be with me and marry me.

10. I broke up with Josh 3 times while we were dating.

11. When Amy was dating Micheal, I secretly had a crush on him and told her many times that I wish I had met him before she had.

12. I hate to unload the dishwasher. I would much rather load.

13. I am the only one out of my siblings who doesn't have a middle name. I always wanted one and was mad that I didn't, hence the reason both my girls have middle names.

14. I hate mushrooms.

15. My dad is a twin. They are Claud and Claudia. Why do people do that to twins?

16. We built our first house when we were only married a year. I worked for a home builder and got a killer price on it.

17. Annie, Amy (my sisters) and myself have 2 kids. Each of our 2nd children weighed the exact same, 8 lbs 3 oz. Weird!

18. Right after I had Halle and Micheal died, I had to get on a medicine to get me through the funeral. A severe side affect of the drug was weight gain. I was on it for 30 days and I gained 45 lbs. Still can't get rid of it.

19. I weigh more now than the day I went in to have Halle.

20. I weighed 9 lbs 1 oz at birth and Josh weighed 9 lbs. No wonder our kids were big (well, to me anyway) Chloee was 1 week early and was 8 lbs 4 oz and Halle was 2 weeks early and 8 lbs 3 oz.

21. I have a temper.

22. I don't cook, I suck at it. On the other hand, my husband is an exceptional cook. He loves it and makes everything from scratch. Oh soooooo good. He said that if he could make money here, he'd become a chef. I guess engineering will have to do for now.

23. When I was younger a drunk man that had been involved in a hit and run was hiding in my window well from the cops. I could hear him and thought it was the cat, turns out the cat was on my bed and the bloody drunk man scared me to death. I wet the bed and I lay there crying.

24. I used to run cross country in high school. I ran races in California and Oregon.

25. When I was about 10, I tripled a batch of cookie dough and at it all by myself. I threw up for about 3 days.

26. I dated three guys with the name Josh.

27. I have only flown 3 times. Once when I was a junior to see my friend Hope in Las Vegas. My honeymoon to California, and this last November to Las Vegas for our girls trip. I know my sisters beat me by a long shot on that. I want to fly more, just haven't.

28. I was madly in love with this boy in 8th grade who didn't even know I was alive. No joke, didn't know who I was. I then later became really good friends with him in high school and he was my best guy friend.

29. I once faked throwing up in a bathroom so that I didn't have to kiss this boy at midnight on New Year's Eve that I had gone to the party with.

30. I once wet my pants on a date because I had laughed so hard.

31. When I was first dating Josh, I was working 3 jobs. That made it a little bit hard to get together.

32. I used to write poems when I was younger. It was very therapeutic for me. I found some the other day in an old journal.

33. I always wanted glasses when I was in high school. I though they made me look sophisticated. I bought a fake pair and wore them constantly. They were just the regular glass, no prescription.

34. My eyes are horrible now. I wear contacts. My eyes went bad from all the tanning I used to do. I didn't want the "raccoon eyes" from the goggle/glasses you are supposed to wear while tanning and it caught up with me and now my vision is awful.

35. I get scared extremely easily. Anybody who knows me can attest to this. Josh thinks it's hilarious to scare me, ALL THE TIME. I have an awful habit that I have yet to break.... When I get scared the words, "oh shit" come out of my mouth and I start hitting whatever is in front of me. I seriously cannot control it. It comes out of my mouth, always. Clearly I'm not thinking when I say it, I was just scared to death. For instance, one of the members of the bishopric thought it would be hilarious to scare me in the foyer on Sunday. Guess what came flying out of my mouth?

36. When I was younger and would get mad, I would bite my tongue really hard, clenching down on it for long amounts of time. I actually had divets in my touch for a long time.

37. I have had to have infusion therapy while pregnant with both of my kids. I throw up so much that I can barely function and lose lots of weight. Withe Halle they almost did the one at home when they just put a pic line in you and you have it constantly.

38. I love to mow the lawn. No it's not a riding lawn mower, just a regular one. People think Josh is just some rude jerk because I'm the one who is always mowing.

39. Annie, Amy and myself all married people who don't like olives. Weird! We all love them.

40. I had braces for 6 months on my top teeth in 10th grade. I'm going to get them again soon. I hate when people have gaps in their 2 front teeth and mine have moved. I don't care that I'm older and will look weird with them. I hate smiling because I am so self conscious.

41. One of my favorite movies is "Lucky 7". It is a made for TV movie but I love it. Plus, it's got Kimberly Williams in it, I always loved that we shared the same name.

42. At age 7, I almost drowned in a swimming pool in St. George. I was horrified of water after that and was terrified to get baptized.

43. Every night before I go to bed, all the doors have to be locked and checked, that includes vehicles as well. I usually double check. Yeah, I'm a little OCD.

44. My favorite color is green.

45. I hate to take off makeup. I never take it off before I go to bed. That is probably part of the reason I'm always breaking out all over my face.

46. I breast fed Chloee for the first 4 months and had to stop. I had 4 breast infections in that amount of time. That last one was so bad they almost had to go in and lance my breast. My doctor told me to stop breast feeding and not to do it with any of my other kids.

47. I love caramel anything. If it has caramel in it, I'll eat it.

48. I am allergic to amoxicillin. I had it when I was younger and was fine but about 5 years ago I was on it and my throat started to close off. They said it was an allergic reaction.

49. Everyone calls me Kim but I always introduce and refer to myself as Kimberlee, never Kim. I don't care to be called Kim, just weird.

50. When I was about 3 or 4 years old, I loved cucumbers. I loved them so much that my dad would come home from work and hold a cucumber in one hand and a candy bar in the other and I would always choose the cucumber over the candy bar. He thought it was hilarious!


Alisa and Paul said...

You should go for a top 100 I'm sure there is crazier things then that. I like the one about the eighth grader, I wonder who that could be. You got my mind a rolling Alisa and I want to come up with a list of our own, I had a lot of good memories come back to me.

Emily + Eric said...

Okay - I seriously could have written 12 & 38. Eric NEVER gets to mow the lawn - but he's always welcome to unload the dishwasher. ;)

The Over Family said...

What a great list!! I can't believe that you and Amy used to get up at 3:00 a.m. to save your spots in the bus stop line. Crazy! I also HATE unloading the dishwasher and I LOVE mowing lawns. Not that we have a lawn to mow at the moment...but we will someday and it will be MY job to mow it! :) My husband is also a better cook than I am, cooking everything from scratch and usually without a recipe. I can't complain about that one!

Anonymous said...

we have a lot in common (12, 14, 24, 32, 33 (I never bought any glasses though), I never knew that tanning could make your eyes bad! Remember we used to spray our legs with that tan spray, I bet we ran around the track with ORANGE legs :), 38, 39, 42 & 45. I love the "shit" story. That is the one word that I can't overcome either!! I had NO IDEA that you didn't like being called Kim....all those years I called you that, sorry :) I do love how your name is spelled. I will call you Kimberlee from now on :) It was fun learning about you!!

Heather said...

Wow! This was so fun to read! Did it take you forever to write? I'm planning to get braces to (my Christmas present from last year). Great minds think alike! :-) Hope you're doing well, sweetie!

Marcus said...

I learned some new stuff about you. I was very surprised. I thought I'd know most everything. Very fun to read.

Love Annie

Sandstone Writings said...

Really enjoyed reading your 50 things. Fun idea. Glad Josh is over that ordeal!

Amy and Micheal said...

Too..many...memories...brain can't function...

Seriously, that was so much fun to read!! I need to come up with one. I don't know what possessed us to sneak out at 3AM just to beat Brooks and Tanner to the bus stop. We were so crazy! It's not like they couldn't just kick them out of the way, or into a ditch, or a pile of horse manure. Ew.

Josh, Micheal and Marcus don't know what they are missing out on. Olives are delicious. Especially being eaten off your fingers! Remember when we tricked JD into drinking olive juice because we told him it was dr pepper? Good times!

Love this list!