Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Luck O' The Irish

My ever so creative friend, Cindy, brought us over cupcakes for St. Patty's Day. She was so excited to show them to me with the rainbow inside. Of course the girls loved their cupcakes and how good can a cupcake really be if the frosting is plastered all over your face?
Halle says, not so good!

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. The top 3 from TODAY:

- I woke up extremely sick. I had food poisoning. I just love it when a day starts out by throwing up.

- There was this huge fuel spill on the freeway on the exit just north of mine. It backed traffic up like crazy on the freeway, any back road, you name it, it was a nightmare. A friend of mine, Diane and myself made (ok, Diane made) sugar cookies and the kids decorated them. We took them to our husbands at work, nice that they work together so we only had to go to one place but that's beside the point. It took us an HOUR to get home from their office. It normally only takes 15 minutes. Imagine 5 very hot, unhappy kids in the back of the car for an hour and not really moving. Ok, my 2 were the worst but still.

- The Fresh Market that bought out all of the Albertson's is having their grand opening. I knew there was a great deal on the cereal so we went there tonight. We come home, I am checking the bank online and the stupid store charged us twice. Now I have to go in there tomorrow with a whole bunch of paperwork (+2 kids) to fix it.


Foster Family said...

What the heck?!? I had food poisoning yesterday and, believe it or not, got double charged at a store last week. I hate that. Sorry your day wasn't so lucky. It will only get better, right? Hang in there.

Amy and Micheal said...

Cindy is so thoughtful! Seriously, I wish I did a fraction of the things she does. Sorry you had such a hectic day. At least the store is the one that double charges you instead of you doing it like I do on iTunes because I'm a spaz! Did you wear green? Or did Josh force you not to so he could pinch you....