Friday, March 19, 2010

Halle's 1 Year Appt

We took Halle in for her 1 year check up. I realize that she is in fact 13 months now but you can't take them in to get the shots unless they're not sick. First time in a while. I figured I'd wait until it was one of Josh's Fridays off work. She's your classic, "well this could happen" baby. She fevers, swells, screams, won't eat, won't sleep for the next 3 days. I hate shots!!!
Here are her 1 year stats:

Height: 29 inches - 35%
Weight: 22 lbs. 5 oz. - 65%
Head Circumference: 18 inches - 65%

Clearly, she's pulling my height genes. Poor girl. Chloee has always been somewhere in the 80-90th percentile on her height. Just proves right there that every child really is different. Halle has taken quite the plummet on her weight. She used to be in the 80% or plus.

She still refuses to walk. Still no teeth, not one! She walks along everything and even walks with a little walker thing in front of her and strolls it around. Ok, she took 3 steps once. It was a few weeks ago and she was holding a National Geographic in her hand that Micheal had sent us. We say she was doing it in honor of Micheal.

Here she is, showing off her pink camouflage band aids. She got 4 shots, poor girl, I'd hate to be poked once, let alone 4 times. When the doctor was checking her ears, she was laying on the table and both Josh and the doctor had to hold her down and he still couldn't get a good look. That girl is impossible. By the time it was done, the paper that goes on the table for sanitary reasons was literally ripped to shreds. Dr. Forbush has said the same thing about both of my girls, "She is one of the strongest kids I've ever seen!"


Amy and Micheal said...

I love that picture at the top. She has got such a cute little grin. Her eyes are so beautiful and she is growing up so fast!!! That picture of her walking with her war wounds is so precious! Soon, she'll be running running running. We'll stock up on more band-aids! Love you Halle!