Saturday, August 30, 2008

All for $10.61

Yes that is right, 6 packages of Ball Park hot dogs, (5) 12-packs of pop and 2 packages of Sara Lee hot dog buns all for $10.61. Whahooooo!!! Albertson's is the best, well, at least this week.

When you buy 1 package of hot dogs, you get 2 free. Next to the hot dog's there is a manufacturer coupon that says when you buy 1 package of hot dogs and 1 package of the Sara Lee hot dog buns, you get a 12 pack of Coke Zero for FREE, up to $4.99. Well, you buy 6 packages of hot dogs and get 2 of those coupons. Then next to the Sara Lee hot dog buns there is a coupon for when you buy 1 Ball Park hot dog, you get the package of buns for FREE, grab 2 of those. Then the store ad shows that when you buy (2) 12 packs of Coke products you get 3 for FREE. Well, not such a great deal because each pack costs $6. So you have to buy the 2 Coke Zeros but you are paying for those ones (with the coupon, it only takes off up to $4.99), so you pay $1 for each of those and get the other 3 for FREE.

Yes, it sounds confusing, I know and I was confused until my mom explained it to me 100 times but I did it and it worked. I know we don't really like the Coke Zeros but they were only a $1 each and the Dr. Pepper, Ruby Red Squirt and the Sprite were all FREE! Yeah. Now that I'm stocked up on pop, Stacie won't have to start twitching at my house when she comes over because she is going through pop withdrawls. Just thought I'd share the wealth!


Heather said...

You are the best shopper! And don't you love a deal?

P.S. So how are you feeling? Any crazy cravings? :-)

Stacie Peterson said...

Im so excited! You better not drink all that before I come up next time!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

You go girl! That 's a steal of a deal! TOO bad there are NO ALBERTSON"S HERE IN OHIO!!! I know, I was just starting to take advantage of their killer deals in UTAH!!!

Amy and Micheal said...

I got to get back on this gravy train! It has been soooo long did I've cut coupons, or even searched for a sail. Does this mean you're inviting us over for hot dogs and sodas?