Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rabbit Trails

*This countdown pregnancy thing on the side of my blog is really depressing. Looking at how many more days I have to be pregnant, it really makes me feel like I am going to be pregnant for 10 years!

*I have decided that someone who CLEARLY doesn't have kids, makes Luvs' diapers. Yes, you heard me right, maybe even a man. I use Luvs diapers on Chloee and everyday we go through the fight of, "I want the green doggy". I think the Luvs company is actually trying to kill me. Why would you put multiple images on different diapers? Anyone else who has kids knows that your child will favor one more than the others. They are "Blue's Clues" diapers. There are blue, green and purple dogs and one pink cat. All she ever wants on is that stinking green dog. Obviously, eventually we run out of the "green doggy" and have to do the others. From then on out, it's a fight, fight, fight!

*I feel like there is TOO much that has to be done before this baby gets here. After I'm done having a panic attack, I realize I still have 6 more months to get it done. Why can't I just let it go? I'm driving myself crazy!! I need to change the office into the baby's room, paint it when I find out what sex it is, get Chloee potty-trained, get Chloee into a regular bed, etc. The list could go on and on and on...

*If I have to listen to the stupid jets from Hill Air Force Base go over my house one more time.... so help me. I have learned to block them out but they have been flying SO low lately that I swear it rattles the windows!

*I want to move. I don't like my neighbors. EVERY time I take Chloee outside to play they are inevitably smoking. Not just one, but like 6 of them. Pretty much anytime I try and go outside, someone is always smoking. I don't really care for the smell anyway but when I am pregnant, it makes me throw up. Also, I don't want Chloee to smell that, so we come inside!

*Chloee's personality is only getting stronger by the day, as if that is at all possible. All I have to say is, this baby better be a boy or I don't think it has a chance of making it with her as its older sibling. She doesn't like girls, she has NO girl friends, she ONLY plays with boys, she has named all of her dolls with BOY names and when she is in nursery, she refuses to even talk to the girls. She adores boy babies and talks to them and honestly wants NOTHING to do with girl babies. If this baby is a girl, it better have a personality just like her. NOW THAT'S A SCARY THOUGHT!

*Josh's work moved to 5-4-9's. He now works 9 hours everyday and gets every other Friday off. I have yet to decide if I like it. Obviously, on that Friday, I favor it but during the week, the hours and days seem to DRAG!

*Last Friday, I finished my 3rd and last wedding for a while. I decided a while ago that I just don't have it in me for weddings right now and to take a break. It was a really fun wedding. They had a live band, it was a tropical theme, just really laid back and fun. Thank you Amy for watching Chloee so that our hubbies could go on their bike ride! She can't stop talking about you and how "sweet" you are!

*Lately, both Josh and I have just wanted to stay home and not travel ANYWHERE, just relax at home and do nothing. It feels like our lives have been so crazy and we have hardly been home. We are looking forward to Labor Day and just staying home and doing something... only if we want to!


Amy and Micheal said...

I love rabbit trails!! It feels so good to get it off your chest. Maybe the next time you go outside with the smokemongers you can teach Chloee to scream at the top of her lungs until they give up in defeat and go in. That'll show em!

The boys and I had so much fun watching Chloee. She was such a sweetie, helping with everything. I'm glad that the wedding went well for you. Can't wait to see some pics (when you have time of course). If there is anything I can do to help with the panic attack list (organizing, painting, distractin Chlo..etc.) please let me know! I'd be more than happy to help!

Jenny said...

Hey Kim,

I don't know if this helps or not, but I am amazed at how the past three weeks has gone by so quickly (3 weeks less of being pregnant) I am actually way scared of having another baby, it's been 5 whole years, I feel like I have forgotten everything. Everyone says it will come back to me, but I don't know about that! They say that girls potty train faster than boys....Seth is almost 5 and sometimes he still has accidents and it drives me nuts!! That stinks about your neighbors and it made me so mad, Josh and Seth both have asthma!! Maybe your baby will be an easy one boy or girl! I hope that everything slows down for you for a while :) good luck! My Josh does the 4 10's although now every friday he will be gone hunting, but I guess that's how it goes. Talk to you later.

P.S. when is your due date? Hope you are feeling better. At least the neighbors won't be smoking outside during the winter!

Love, Jen

Jenny said...

P.S. it's Jen again (Josh's wife), I was also going to say that once Halloween comes around, the holidays follow quickly and time seems to fly through December anyway.

Krysta said...

It's so fun when you do a post like that. Your mind is wondering all over right now, but that's what happens with pregnancy. Don't worry about getting it all done. That's what the nesting stage is for. Magic happens then and EVERYTHING falls into place!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

That's soo funny that she only wants the green doggy! I have never honestly like LUVs, Ethan would leak through them like crazy!!!

Heather said...

I love how you capture all the moments of your life - your fun personality is totally in your writing! Anyway, I hope this weekend is restful and relaxing and all the things you need it to be. Is Josh taking all of next week off? Jake mentioned several of the guys are . . . so cool that it's a 3 day workweek in any case.