Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Inevitable

I know that many people have written me to make sure I'm not dead, because my blog has lacked a new post for almost an entire month. Everyone that knows me knows I don't usually like to go more than a couple of days. Well, it will and HAS inevitably come out that we are expecting a baby! This is SO MUCH SOONER than I ever like extended people to know but everything I could and want to blog about would spill the beans about baby number 2.

The main and most important reason I haven't blogged is that I have been sick pretty much since conception... NO I AM NOT JOKING. So it has been a LONG 9 weeks for me. For those of you that were around when I was pregnant with Chloee KNOW how sick I was and that I was in the hospital multiple times and that I did infusion therapy too. Well, if it is at ALL possible, I have been WORSE with this one and way, way sooner. I didn't start getting sick with Chloee until about 8 weeks but this one had an 8 week lead on her. It has been terrible. My mom, Josh and my co-workers then probably remember it most and how BAD it was.

I have been in getting IV's all the time, one time I went into the Insta-care 3 times in one week to have IV's and in just one week, I lost 10 lbs. I remember with Chloee I was 4 months pregnant and only weighed 90 lbs.

Tuesday, July 29th was our 5 year anniversary. I spent it in Infusion Therapy in Logan Hospital with 6 chemo patients for 5 hours and Josh was out of the country in Canada for business. What a way to spend your anniversary, right? Well, my dr wanted to see me afterwards to check for twins because I have been sick so early. I bawled as the guy did the ultrasound and I was so relieved that it is only 1. I know that plenty of you would love 2, but I was so relieved! I go in for infusion therapy once a week with all my wonderful chemo friends up there in Logan. I actually became very close to one of them as we talked.

Well, to sum it up, I'm not far along, I can't stop throwing up, a baby can actually live through violent thrashes to its home and it has been the longest 9 weeks of my life. I started losing my hair, chunks and chunks of it. My dr said where I throw up so much, I have NO nutrients in me so the baby is taking it from anywhere it can, my hair, cuticles, teeth, you name it. Reluctantly, I went to get my hair cut. I have been growing it out for 2 years!!! When I went into the gal that used to cut my hair in Logan she had to take off 3 1/2" just to level up my broken, dry, disgusting hair. I cried in the chair as I watched it fall to the floor. I know, it wasn't healthy anyway but still it was hard to watch. You know, me and those chemo patients have more in common than you think. We are both throwing up in there and losing our hair, the only difference is, my infusion therapy is in an IV and most of them have PortaCaths.

Well, there it is. There is so much more that goes into this time, emotions and feelings, things I don't think I can share at this time, if maybe ever. But know that at this time, I feel peace and that is something I have been searching for for a long time! I have experienced things in the last 9 weeks spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically that I never want to experience again and some that I have waited my life to experience and wouldn't trade that for anything! I will leave it at that, only a few of you know what I am talking about but I must say that right now, I feel content, peace, comfort and love.

I would feel terribly ungrateful if I didn't thank my mom who has been a saint in taking care of me for OVER a week and for taking care of my daughter 24-7. She has done more that I could ever possibly ask for. Maren who has watched Chloee on countless occasions as I went to the hospital and has let us stay at her house for hours on end and takes care of Chloee as I throw up and make her laugh. My wonderful sister who went with me to take bridal photos for 8 hours and watched me puke all over her mother-in-laws lawn amongst other things. My sweet mother-in-law who has listened to me bawl and has bawled with me and loved me. Also, for taking care of Chloee so that I could sleep and for being so easy going about everything this weekend. I am sure I have missed someone in here that has helped me through this time..... Awh, yes, my sweet husband, how he puts up with me and the awful things I say, I don't know. He's been a saint and even painted the house for me last weekend. I love you all, THANK YOU!


The Over Family said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy, Kim! But I am SO sorry that you are SO sick! That must be so horrible! I hope that your kids will one day realize the sacrifices that you had to go through in order to have them! :) I hope that you're not sick the entire pregnancy...

The Johnson's said...

Congrats on the new little one! I am sorry you are so sick again. I hope you find relief sooner than later.

The Bowles said...

I'm so glad to see a new blog! :) I'm sorry you've been so sick...But I'm so thrilled for you guys! Hold out for a only a few more months and you'll have a wonderful thing! If there's anything I can do let me know and I'll help. And by the way...CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!

Krysta said...

Congratulations...only on the pregnancy, not the sickness! That sounds AWFUL!!! I'm so sorry. I hope that it passes quickly so you can enjoy this time because there really is no other time like it. Why do some women get so sick? It's just no fair!!! I'm glad your still alive. I was starting to wonder...

Karen said...

Wow Kim. You have really put things into perspective for me...I will now stop complaining that I am hot and a little swollen. Congratulations on your little one coming and for goodness sake, hang in there and I'll keep you in my prayers.

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

I am sooo excited for you! Congrats Kim...I guess, since it's like a bittersweet thing for you to be pregnant right now. Bitter cause of obvious puking reasons and sweet cause you are like the funnest mom ever and you are having another beautiful child! I wondered if you were alright cause you are an avid blogger like myself! I hope you feel better soon and all is well! I will keep you in my prayers!

Jen said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you're okay (sort of). I guess if there's ever a good reason to be sick it's to have a baby. Congrats on your little miracle. said...

Congrats on the pregnancy. I'm sorry you are so sick. Women like you are amazing because you give so much to bring a baby into your family. I'm too much of a wimp, I couldn't handle it! Hopefully since it started earlier, it will end earlier. Good luck!!

Sandstone Writings said...

What a blessing family and friends are when times are tough. I'm praying for all of you. Let's hope for a miracle regarding the nausea. Congratulations on the new little one--another beautiful spirit to come to the Adams family. Your experience is putting my upcoming date for the arrival of a 2 pound hip replacement into better perspective. I've got to stop being such a whiner!

Amy and Micheal said...

We are so happy for you guys on your upcoming bundle of joy, but so sorry that you're soooo sick. At least it's not twins right? You are such a wonderful mother and such a tough cookie for going what you go through to bring these little ones down here. You are much braver than I, and I applaud your strength and determination. When you start feeling better, how about you and I go on a Big Mac/Dr. Pepper run. My treat. Love ya sis and call me if you need ANYTHING!

Jenny said...

Yea Kim!! I am so excited for you!! I am sorry you are way makes me feel bad because I don't get sick with my babies, I will pray for you. I hope that the sickness doesn't last the whole time!! Do you want a girl or a boy or does it matter? How old will Chlo be when the baby comes? Congrats!!

Love, Jen Harrison Burbank

P.S. I now what you mean about the twins thing....I am only having one also, it's a big relief!!

Mandy said...

Yeah!!! Congrats. I'm sorry you are sooo sick! It must be a boy! A sweet little girl would never be so mean to their mom! :) Nothing is work than pregnancy sickness...but nothing is better than a sweet little baby! :) Congrats!!!

Heather said...

Congrats! I'm sorry that you've been so sick and miserable. I'm so glad you have so many loved ones looking out for you. And so cool about the experiences you've had. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Congrats again!

Lesa said...

Congratulations on having another baby! I am sorry about you getting so sick. You are so amazing and I hope that this time around it gets better! I'll pray that things will get better for you!