Monday, August 11, 2008

New Beginnings

I have decided to start 3 new things with this pregnancy. I purchased these 3 items today while I was at Seagull Book and I am going to start these new goals.

#1: THE BOOK OF MORMON: While I was pregnant with Chloee it was in 2005 when President Hinckley put out that challenge to read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year. I had bought a little book that was JUST the Book of Mormon so that it was easier to take places. Well, needless to say, after how sick I was with her, I didn't get it read before the end of 2005. I did have a goal to finish it before she was born though. Ok, that didn't work either BUT I did get it done about a month after she was born. I remember this feeling of total and utter satisfaction and enjoyment. I had marked scriptures that I don't think I would have even cared about at a different time in my life. I have some of my favorite things written in that Book of Mormon. So, I decided to go buy one for this pregnancy and read it during this very long gestational time. I'm sure that very different things will be marked as I'm at a very different time in my life than I was 3 years ago. I want to do this with all of my pregnancies and look back and see the different things that touched me at different times in my life along with the struggles and trials I may be going through!

#2: THE JOURNAL: Yes, I do use my blog as a lot of my journal but there are some things that I just can't write on here due to things that are very private and some readers. I tried to keep a journal when I was pregnant with Choee but I ended up ripping up the pages and throwing them out. I was going through some very ugly times then with some things I really don't care to remember or EVER relive those emotions or memories so it is gone, and NO, I don't regret getting rid of it!

#3: THE BOOK: After I got done reading, "Look What Love Has Done", I found that I felt empty not having a light read to just pick up once in a while to make me laugh or cry. So, I found this incredible book, "Mom, you make it all better". It looks like a small book but it really isn't, it is actually quite thick. Here is the description on the back of the book:

Being a mom is a roller-coaster journey, bringing laughter, tears and everything in between. You're there to kiss each owie (real or imagined), hug away the tears and go to bat for your child. The challenges of motherhood may push you to your limit.

Mom, You Make It All Better brings the well-deserved rest and inspiration you need. From sticky kisses to KISS (keep it simple, sister!), this book contains creative and concise messages that lift your spirit and fit into your busy schedule.


Jenny said...

Sounds like some great goals Kim :) I hope that you have had some better when (what month) are you do? Maybe by the time I would like to get fam pics done (next spring) you will be having your baby!!

Amy and Micheal said...

What an awesome idea Kim! I know that reading the Book of Mormon while Micheal and I have been separated has hit me in a whole new light. And kudos to you for doing the journal, one day I'd like to do that as well. We'll see how it goes. That book sounds so fabulous. Maybe I will have to get one for myself! I am glad you are doing a little better and can't wait to see you on Friday! Love ya!

Heather said...

What a great list of things to do! Your sweet little spirit growing inside will I'm sure benefit from all the good things you do to take care of yourself. You're in our thoughts and prayers!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Love the idea!!! HOpe you make your goals, are feel better along the whole prego thing!

p.s. Love the Miley Sirus Song! :) She is a good singer!

Krysta said...

Those are awesome goals. I really love your Book of Mormon goal. That is a great idea to read a new one with each pregnancy. And I know that empty feeling of finishing a book and needing another read. I need a new book right now. Good luck with all of it!