Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Misc. Fun

This is Chloee on Father's Day, as you can see her shirt says it all. Her heart does belong to her daddy. You can tell by the scowl on her face that she did not want the picture taken. I thought it was cute on her though.

Here's the toots and I. We decided to be fashionable and wear our hats together while we went out to the Providence celebration. We had lots of fun, I dropped Josh's pizza on the grass before he could even eat it and of course it was face down. Chloee walked around the park enjoying us chasing after her.

This is the day, June 8th, that Chloee walked for the first time. It was so fun and exciting to see. As you can see in the picture she is holding a care bear (which she calls "baby"). She would only walk if she was holding him, pretty good balance if you ask me.

This ever so funny picture demonstrates what we call the "One Eyed Chloee". When she is sitting in her high chair eating and if you go behind her she whips her head around and looks at you through the hole in the back with that one eye. It's kind of scary when you're not expecting it.

Daddy Daughter Time. These two are the best of friends and love, love, love to spend time together. Josh gives her piggy back rides and she squeals the entire time. Chloee has become a lot more affectionate I would say. She will give hugs and kisses freely, IF SHE'S IN THE MOOD AND IF IT IS HER IDEA AND ON HER TIME FRAME!!! That doesn't sound like her does it?


Amy and Micheal said...

Oh, no!! The one-eyed Chloee! Run away! Such cute pics of the tootsberry. Love the fashionable mama daughter pic. Love it all!!!