Monday, August 20, 2007

Eat Dad, Eat!!!

You know the good old, I'll feed you and then you feed me tactic?.... Not going so well.

"More watermelon dad. Um, I wonder how many pieces I can fit in his mouth?"

"Come on dad, eat it, I'm relentless!"

Chloee takes a break from force feeding her daddy watermelon and decides to walk around in my flip flops.

"Where's that daddy, I need more watermelon"

"Good he's not looking, now I can bite him. Who does he think he is? Ignoring me, I'll show him. MORE WATERMELON"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just Like Mom

Ok, I know my daughter has much better looking feet than me and that her skin tone is much nicer than mine too! She loves my toes, she always lays down and hugs them and says, "Ohhh" as she loves them and points to the color on my nails. I thought maybe she'd love if hers were painted too. She actually sat on my lap and let me paint them (don't look too close, it was very hard to paint TINY toenails). She put her finger in one right after I painted them and had to hurry and get it off before she put it in her mouth. I think she looks cute and so does she. She stares at them and laughs and loves her own feet now too!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Wild Weekend Part 2

Swim fun comes around again. Our little family at its finest.

Josh going down the slip-n-slide, for all that were there, you know what he's doing here (protecting the goods).

The Three Musketeers..... that pretty much says it all. They go everywhere together, here they are, all three crowding what you can see is not big enough for all of them.

Amy... you can't even tell its her but she does make a nice splash!

Family Dare comes to mind. They all dared me to see if I'd fit inside this tyke car and I did, then I was stuck and others decided it might be fun to take advantage of me in such a weak state. I had water down the back of my swimming suit and my head (thanks Josh) and orange popsicle rubbed all over my back and arms (thanks to Amy). You know the saying, kick them while their down, well these guys pretty much put that saying to shame!!!

Wild Weekend

Chloee taming this wild baby beast. I know, he looks ferocious!

This was our fun family vacation. Chloee loves the animals so it was a lot of fun taking her. It was EXTREMELY hot!

She loved the monkey area. This is right after we came out of the tropical and desert exhibits. Oh yeah and I tripped over a peacock and it looked at me like it was going to have me for dinner.

I think she measures up, maybe not in stature, but in spirit, a big fat YES!!!

Our hotel had a pool. It was freezing cold but it didn't seem to bother Chloee. She sat in there while mom and dad (the wusses) of the family stayed out and watched Chloee play around. She's a fish at heart!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Many Mysteries of the Chlo!!!

SILLY CHLOEE: Ravioli all over the place. Why put food IN my mouth when I can put it ON my face!

DEMANDING CHLOEE: Grandma Renae taught her highness how to pull everything out of the toy box, sit in and scream until someone pushes her around the front room like she's in a car. (Ok so grandma didn't teach her to scream but she pushed her around in it and now she wants to do it ALL DAY LONG)!

BOY CHLOEE: On of the boys at heart!!! Amy was tending Chloee and she didn't want to get her shirt dirty so she put her in one of Kennet's shirts. When she was running around with them, she just looks like on of the boys. She loved the shirt.

INNOCENT CHLOEE: This just shows her innocence at the end of the day, how could you get mad at that face! (My favorite of all the Chloee's)