Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

I can't believe it's already St. Patty's Day. I was reading Amy's latest post and realized, I too, have not posted in a while. It has been hard to try and pull regular life (if I even know what that is anymore) back together again. I need to post so much, the delivery, baby news, etc. I just feel swamped with my SCREAMING baby. She's got acid reflux just like Chloee did, oh yes and she has colic too! Joy, joy! The old medicine they had her on wasn't working so we are crossing our fingers that the new one does the trick.

Josh leaves tomorrow to Canada for work. Blah. Why after I have a child at exactly 3 weeks does my hubby have to go out of town? He went to Florida after I had Chloee. Oh well, it's a great excuse to go see family. My mom's a lifesaver and is helping me with the kids while he's gone. I think I'll have to pack the entire house just to feel like I have everything. I forgot how much you need for a baby.

Luck of the Irish! What a saying. I'm not Irish so I guess that explains why I have no luck.... check that, if there weren't bad luck, THEN I'd have no luck at all!


Amy and Micheal said...

You and me both, sistah. I swear if Kai didn't have school I'd probably be scooting up to mom's house as well to hang out with you guys! I miss you. I hope that Halle's new medicine is working for her. If you ever need someone to hold her 24/7, you know where to find me! Love you guys! Can't wait to see you soon!

Bob and Marie said...

I hope her medicine starts working soon! Poor thing. Another one of Heavenly Father's gifts. She was so quiet and slept so well during the time you needed her to most. I'd love to see you while you're up here. We should kidnap Amy somehow. I have always thought American Fork is entirely too far away from Logan. Let me know if I can help. Chloee can come play with Sarah anytime!

Hope said...

I remember taking Ellie to my mom's house for the first time, seriously it was ridiculous, I had so many things and it took me so long to get out the door that I was exhausted before I left! I know how you feel!

spemberly.blogspot.com said...

Oh, I'm sorry she's not a happy baby and that Josh is leaving! Bummer! If you need anything, let me know!!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

I will soon find out how much stuff you need to pack a baby around!
Loved your comment about if there weren't bad luck, then you'd have no luck at all! hahah! I love your humor!
I hope your little girl gets some medicine that works! I have never had a cholicy baby but babysat one once and it was a long long day!!

The Family said...

I know what you mean. It's a bummer to have Hubby leave. Remember what happened when Gary left me to go hiking 2 weeks after Tyler was born?...

Heather said...

I hope Halle gets feeling better soon! What adventures you guys always have! If you ever need anything, let me know. We are "neighbors" after all! :-)