Monday, November 23, 2009

9 Months in 2 Ways

#1- My fat, little chunk turned 9 months on Friday, the 20th. I really can't believe she's that old. I thought my Dad would truly appreciate this picture. He's a die hard Yankee fan. Well, Halle had her 9 month check-up today. It was not fantastic. He was a half an hour behind and it was right in the middle of Halle's nap time. She screamed the entire time, through it all. Then Chloee started in by screaming for a sticker. It was a nightmare. I think I was actually sweating so much that it was dripping off of my face. I had to walk Halle around the entire time and Dr. Forbush had a hard time competing with the 2 girls and how loud they were. I could hardly hear him or the other way around. I'm just glad it is over. Here are her stats:

Height: 27.5" the 50%
Weight: 21 lbs. 4 oz. the 85%
Head Circumference: 17.5" the 65%

Honestly, I thought she would weigh more than that. Her height, I'm not surprised, that's why she's such a little chunk, she's short and fat. She's taking after her Mom on the height. Chloee was always tall, and still is. Oh well, I'm just glad that she's healthy. Oh yes and NO shots at nine months. That just made my day, I can't even tell you! I knew Chloee had them at 9 months but every doctor is different. Thank heavens, no sick, fevering child for Thanksgiving!

#2- It was exactly 9 months ago today that Micheal passed away. I really miss him. That's an understatement. Micheal was one of those people who could always make you laugh no matter what kind of a mood you were in. He was a walking encyclopedia, no joke, the man knew more than anyone I have ever known. You could ask him the most random question and somehow he knew the answer to it. There are so many more things I could say about my dear brother but one thing that no one could ever doubt was how much he loved his wife and kids. He worked his butt off providing for them, worked 2 jobs, the man was the epitome of selflessness. I know there wasn't anything in the world that he wouldn't do for those 3.
Absolutely Nothing!!!

Amy, know that I am thinking of you and that you are always in my prayers. You amaze me everyday. Your strength is unbelievable and your faith is unfaltering. You have been such a great example to me. Know that I look up to you as do a lot of other people, I'm sure.


Amy and Micheal said...

That Hallsies is still a chunk, even though she has begun to thin out just a tad from all her working out and grunting! What a cutie! I love that picture of her in Dad's NY Yankee hat! I can't believe she's already as old as the time you carried her.

I LOVE those pictures of Micheal! He's my muffin bear (I'm in so much trouble for typing that!)and I love him so much and I'm so proud of him. I miss not having my personal encyclopedia. I hate having to take the time to type it into Google. He truly is the greatest man I've ever known.... and we're together forever. YEA!!!!! It's a party in the Eternities!! I love you tons Kim. You help me so much too, you have no idea! Thanks for putting up with me and letting me tag along with my tag along! :)

Bob and Marie said...

I can't believe she's 9 months old already. Wow that went fast. I loved the post about Micheal. You and Amy have such a way with words. I wish I had that gift. I can't verbalize what I'm thinking or feeling that well. Micheal was a walking encyclopedia. It seems as if he even skimmed some information, even from years ago...he could remember it. I don't know how he did it. I miss him so much. I miss his wisecracks. I'm hoping he's training this new little one of mine in his ways. I don't know of many men who could do what Micheal did for his little family...after all..that's who he did everything for. Loved your post!

Renae Williams said...

I loved this post! Halle is quite the little cutie chunk. I can't believe that she's 9 months old already, but in some ways, it feels like she's been here forever. The tribute to Micheal is wonderful. I miss him so much. His quick wit put a smile on my face everyday. He always knew what to say to make things better and we never did get him on Jeopardy or Are you smarter than a 5th grader. Shoot, I know he would have won. Who can forget the playful antics of hiding the "country bear" throughout the house for me to find unexpectedly. What fun we shall all have when we are together again.

Anonymous said...

what a CUTE picture of Halle!! Sorry about all of your trouble at the Dr. office! Usually when I take my kids in our wait is always about 2 hours! But I love my Doc. Melanie didn't have to get shots either at nine months, but in Feb. at age one she'll get some :(

Alisa and Paul said...

Hey Kim, we just want to tell you.
You have two very beautiful little girls. they are very photogenic.we bet you have lots of fun with them, sounds like you did at khols you should of said something and hit her that would have been funny.;)

Heather said...

Too bad the dr's appt was so crazy. It sounds like you were your amazing self in hard situations. Sweet tribute to Michael too.

The Family said...

That picture of Halle belongs on a poster! She is soooo cute!