Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Celebration

I am so far behind on blogging, I'm having a hard time wanting to take time to type about it. A lot of these might be mostly pictures.

These were both a week before Christmas at Amy's house.

The girls are getting ready for our Christmas Eve feast we do every year. They are in their pajamas that Grandma Alleman gave them. It's tradition, they wear them every Christmas Eve.

That spiral cut ham has crushed homemade gingersnaps baked on it with Josh's homemade glaze. All I can say is YUMMMM!!!

Every year, Josh helps the girls write their letter to Santa.

"Dear Santa, Thank you for coming. Please leave only a couple of presents for Halle and myself. Take the rest to the kids who don't have much. Hope you stay warm in your convertible sleigh!
Love, Chloee and Halle
P.S. Have a nice Christmas Eve Santa!
P.S.S. The apple is for your reindeer."

Santa wrote back:
"Chloee and Halle, I loved the cookies and that chocolate was awesome! (Your daddy must've made it) I am so proud of you girls for giving your presents away. Jesus is pleased with you. Merry Christmas!
Love, Santa
P.S. The reindeer loved the apple!"

The girls gave this to Josh. Josh was in big trouble and went far beyond what our limit was for each other and bought me a sewing machine. He was in some pretty big trouble. He wrote me this beautiful letter and to be honest, I could have just received only that letter and it would have been plenty for me. Some of the things written in there really meant a lot to me.

We went to church, I had to give a part in the program and my voice was pretty much gone so that was fun.

The girls were both sick with the 24 hour flu. Chloee threw up all night the 20th and then Halle threw up all night the 23rd. Needless to say, we were pretty sleep deprived for a few nights. We had a fabulous Christmas day!