Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend... Continued

Wellsville has a parade on Labor Day, we went to it and got to see a whole new side to the Chlo! (kinda scary realizing your daughter has NO FEAR!) Ok, we already knew that but it was solidified at the parade.

She didn't want to sit on the curb or in one of her parents laps, she wanted to sit IN THE GUTTER. The picture below illustrates so well what she wanted. This picture was after Josh pulled her OUT of the gutter (OH SHE'S MAD AT HIM!)

After she plopped herself back down in the gutter and pulled a "I'm sittn' here and don't try and move me" face.

"Which one of you touched my candy?" Can you see how irate she is? She is a little candy monger!

She refused to put any of the candy down (in case someone decided to steal it from her). As you can see here, she is trying to pick up NEW candy while holding everything else in her hands that she has already picked up. It was so funny to watch.

At the end of the day, the toots was so ornery, tired and probably dehydrated that we took her home, hoping that some of the orneriness would wear off. (No such luck in that department.)

Amy and I ran into our friend Jenny from the cross country days. Jenny is now a Burbank and has a son, Seth, who is 4. It was fun to see each other and get a quick pic. Ok, so not so quick, poor Jenny's mom couldn't figure out how to work the camera, it was funny!

The girls chillin' on Sunday afternoon. We look like a lively bunch, don't we? Annie is excused from this picture, seeing as how she lives in California! Love you Annie, even though you aren't here!