Sunday, August 24, 2008

For Amy & Micheal

Yes, this one is supposed to look like a sketch, I didn't mess it up!

Today my sweet brother-in-law, Micheal, leaves to go back to Alaska for one week and then leaves for Iraq the first part of September. I wanted to put a post up for both of them to know how much I love them!

Amy, you truly are amazing in so many aspects of your life. You are incredibly strong, which is why you can even do this, I would crumble at the thought of it all. You are a wonderful mother to your 2 kids and hopefully many more to come. Your positive outlook on everything absolutely amazes me. The way you see the silver lining, the way you look at every glass as half full. I look up to you in so many ways. You are tough and that is why I have no doubt that you will make it through the storms of life, as you already have. You are an incredible wife, who supports her husband in all avenues of his life. You love him unconditionally and are the best support for him during this time in his life. He is truly blessed to have you! Not once, have I ever heard you complain about your situation, EVER! Has it been hard? Yes, but have you complained, never. I have seen you grow so much over these last 10 months or so. You have turned it over to The Lord and relied upon him and you have grown so much spiritually. I know that I personally have benefited from that, with your soft, comforting words that He will never leave us or let us be alone! I love you and am always here for you!

Micheal, what a great and courageous thing you are doing for OUR COUNTRY and OUR FREEDOM. Many sacrifices have been made on you and your families part. You listened to the spirit and made a big decision in your life. You went from Elementary school teacher to Full-Time Army Specialist in a short amount of time. You are such a strength to Amy and your boys. You are doing something beyond measure and your sacrifices do not go unnoticed by anyone that knows you, your character, your personality or your devoted love for this COUNTRY. I couldn't be more proud of you! You will be terribly missed as you are gone. It almost broke my heart to say good-bye to you. It was so hard to let go of you and as you know I couldn't hold back my tears! I truly love you like my own brother and you, Amy and the boys, are and will always be in our prayers. God Bless, As He Always Does!


Heather said...

Beautiful pictures and sentiments! You are a great sister!

Amy and Micheal said...

That was a beautiful post Kimberlee. Thank you. Amy and I have both been strenghthened and comforted by the Lord during this ordeal. Having the love and support of family like you has helped more than I can ever express. This is the most difficult thing I've ever had to do, leaving my family. It helps to know that our sacrifice is known and appreciated.

Amy and Micheal said...

Ok, my turn. Wow, I don't think I've ever finished reading a post and looked so hideous afterwards because my mascara has been smeared from forehead to chin. Thank you Kim!!!! I cannot even express how much that meant to both Micheal and I. Today is going to be very difficult in a few hours, but we are ready. Ready to finish this and keep moving forward. Thank you for your support and love through this seemingly endless trial. Every little bit strengthens us, helps us become impenetrable. Your family's love means so much to us. I am so lucky to have a sister like you. I love you so much! And I love the pictures by the way. They turned out great, but I knew they would anyways, with you behind the lens. :)

Bob and Marie said...

Kim, thanks for that post...for capturing so much of exactly how I feel but didn't take the time to express to them. I am so proud of both of them for the sacrifice they've made and the positive attitude they have about what has to be the most difficult thing ever. I enjoy your blog so much..and I hope you are feeling better by now. As always..great photos!

The Family said...

I'm with Amy - no more mascara. It sure hits home when people we care about go off to war.

Please know that our prayers will be with you all, as well as our heartfelt appreciation for the incredible sacrifices you are all making for us.

Take great care, Michael, and know that we are all pulling for you. Amy, we are here if you need anything!!!!! God be with you all!

Amy and Micheal said...

The pictures are great as always and the sentiments that you have shared have been in my heart for a very long time. I've spent most of Sunday crying and thinking of Amy and Micheal over and over again. What a difficult time but also what positive attitudes. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and support for one another. Love you all!

Renae Williams said...

Ok so that last comment was actually from me but I didn't realize that my computer was logged in as Amy and Micheal. Sorry...Love you

The Over Family said...

I loved this post Kim, you are so great at capturing emotion on film, as well as expressing it through words. My heart goes out to Amy and Michael too...they are truly wonderful people who are making a very difficult sacrifice for a few people that they know, and millions more that they don't know. Hope that you're feeling better, Kim!

Josh said...

That was a wonderful post. If Amy or Micheal read this I want you to know how much I love you guys. Micheal, your sacrifice is beyond measure and words cannot express the pride I have knowing that my brother is sacrificing so much for this GREAT country (no matter who the president happens to be). I love my country and those who put their life on the line and leave mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, wife and children, to ensure that this country has the chance to make the choice to go on. You will be missed terribly and we will continue to pray for you every day and night. Be safe and come home. Many trails have yet to feel our tires and sweat (and sometimes blood). I love you my brother always!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

YOu two sisters are way too cute! That was a sweet post to AMy and Michael! I too am soo grateful for those who fight for my freedom!

Loved the post of all the funny things Chloee says! Super cute! Bless you Chloee! Now that's adorable! We should really set our kids up one day and make them go on a date! You guys would be sweet in-laws!!! ha ha