Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Things She Says...

Here are just a few of the crazy things that Chloee says that makes me laugh... or cry! Her personality keeps me on my toes all day and night!

*We were coming home from Lagoon and Chloee wanted Josh to sit in the back with her. He explained to her, "I can't sit by you, I have to drive, Mommy can't drive, it will make her sick because of the baby." Chloee's response, "I don't like that baby!". Oh Joy, and so it already begins.

*Today she had put some donuts in a little tupperware in the fridge. She pulled them out and said, "Look Mom, they're fridging." I said, "They're what?" and she said (in a totally duh voice), "I put them in the fridge, now they're fridging." I don't know, I'm assuming it is like if you put something in the freezer, it's freezing. Beats me!

*Her new movie love is, Monsters, Inc. She loves to see the little girl in it named, Boo. Although, she doesn't call her Boo, she calls her Boob. Well, it has now mutated into Boobie and today it is Boobies. This sentence came out of her mouth. "Oh Mom, I love my Boobies." She was referring to Boo and she calls her "my" as though she owns her. It was funny, let's just hope it doesn't happen in public.

*Die hard gymnastics fan here. We watched gymnastics anytime it was on and eventually, totally on her own, she just started doing her own gymnastics on the floor, or as she calls it, GYM-MAGICS! She does somersaults and even tucks her body in perfectly and keeps her toes pointed. We had a blow up mattress upstairs one night and she jumped off the couch onto the mattress doing what she called a flip. It was just a somersault off the couch but she was pretty proud of herself. I will have to post a video about that!

*Last week I told her that I loved her the mostest and her reply was, "I love myselfie the mostest!" Yes, she's vain, we know!

*She has this new obsession with "Moneys" as she calls it. She loves to get pennies and put them in her piggy bank. Well, she refers to pennies as "orange moneys" and one day we were at Maren and Nate's house and Nate had a nickel, which she proceeded to call "white moneys". Well, Maren being such a better teacher than I, taught her that it was a nickel. We come home later and she found a quarter and came to me and said, "Look at this nickel, it is so pretty". I said, "That is actually a quarter, not a nickel". She proceeds to tell me it's white, therefore it's a nickel and we fight about it a little bit and then she stops, thinks for a few seconds and says, "Mom, Mar lies". Yes that is right, Maren you are such a liar. It was hilarious!

*A couple of days ago, Chloee sneezed and said, "Bless you, Chloee". I know that neither Josh or I say bless you, so I asked her, "Who taught you that?" She answered by saying, "Grandma! I sneezed at her house and Grandma said, "Bless you, Chloee", that Grandma, she's so sweet." It was so cute. After, I pretended to sneeze and she said, "Bless you, Chloee". Evidently, she thinks it's always with Chloee at the end. I had to call my mom immediately after and tell her, I knew she'd get a big kick out of that!


Stacie Peterson said...

She is so funny especially the boobies and the fridging! I miss Chlo, too bad you guys never want to see me anymore!

Jenny said...

Kids are so funny, you never know what they are going to say! Unfortunately they are too honest as well, it's sometimes embarassing :) But sometimes I wish I was as honest :) Not that I'm dishonest, but they are perfect in their honesty, I guess excpet when they learn to lie.....anyway maybe I don't make much sense today!!!

Amy and Micheal said...

Ah the Chlo and her truthful word vomit. She kills me with the things she says! I love the boobies and her dislike of anything girl that can invade her territory. She is one of a kind!

Heather said...

She says that funniest things!

The Family said...

Sheesh, I havent see her forever!!! She is getting so big and so smart! I can't wait to hear it all for myself.

Krysta said...

That girl! I love the things she comes up with. You'll be glad you have those written down. said...

Very funny!!!