Sunday, July 10, 2011

Home Decor

I originally started this post for one picture and then over the course of how long it has taken me to put it up, I did other things to the house. So, I decided to make it one big post of some additions I've made to the house over the last few months.

This was supposed to be what the post was all about. I finally got this thing done and up in my front room on my large wall. I absolutely love the way it turned out.

This is in my kitchen. The girls' backpacks used to hang here until I got a better idea. I then moved all of the aprons to this spot.

I have this wall that really can't have much on it. The front door opens towards it and so does the closet. I got this great idea to do some cute hooks and put the girls' backpacks, coats and such on them.

The hooks are actually really pretty and ornate and I got them for a killer deal at Hobby Lobby.

Just one more look at how they turned out.

A few months back, I was at a friend's house and noticed she had a really pretty center piece for her table, it was flowers in a vase.

I decided to copy my friend and did one for my house. I love the different colored marble pebbles. I don't know what they're called.

Josh gave me this beautiful sign/artwork for Mother's Day. It looks perfect in my bathroom.

I found this HOME sign at Seagull book for $1, so I put it here.

Awh... yes, the best purchase yet. I LOVE this stool.

Halle also LOVES the stool.

Halle can finally wash her own hands without me having to boost her up every time or find her sitting on the counter because her sister boosted her up there. It's tall and sturdy. I can't believe how much easier this thing has made my life.

Hot air rises. Yes, common knowledge to most. Our bedroom is on the top floor and it gets HOT. Even with out AC on, we can't sleep at night but the girls' rooms next to us, stay pretty chilly. Go figure. We got a good deal on this fan at Home Depot and I'm finding that I can sleep without sweating to death. :)

The girls got a new toothbrush holder. That's part of home decor, right?

Love this idea. The baskets on the back of the toilet look good and I love that there is always some extra rolls around in case the person before you uses all of the toilet paper and DOESN'T replenish it.

I got a white board to go on the door in the kitchen from the garage. I always write things I need to do or notes to Josh so he can see them before he walks out for work. It has actually kept me more organized.

My friend did Daycare in her home and was buying a place to move her business and she was selling off the little desks they used for school. I jumped on that like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat. (Josh's saying) The girls love them.

I bought this at Seagull Book.

I put it in the "family" room, I figured it would go well in there, since it is for "family" home evening. Ok that was lame but still, it does look good there.

I finally got these 3 picture frames up in Halle's room.

I bought these at a garage sale. I love that it had the pink and the green.

They even came with this matching curtain rod.

I put up these curtains in Halle's room. They match really well with the frames and the decor of her room. They need to be ironed but I really don't care to deal with that right now.

There you have it, Home Decor 2011, DONE!


Renae Williams said...

All of the home decor looks really, really nice. I love it.