Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cat Food Anyone?

This is what happens when Kennet and Chloee say they are going to "feed the cats". I saw them walking out with a cup of cat food for each of them and I told them no more or the cats would get sick. Later that day I found the entire bag of cat food ALL OVER the back patio of Amy & Susan's house. It was fantastic!

Look at that! Susan had clients coming over to the house to look at some wedding stuff. I tried to clean it up as fast as I could. You'd think the cats would have come over and helped me by eating some of it or something. Honestly...


Amy and Micheal said...

I still could not believe that they did that! Those two are more than trouble when they play nice together. At least when they fight, the only trouble they get into is because they are trying to annihilate the other one, not completely covering an entire patio with cat chow. Gretchen and Piggy are so lazy. Maybe that's why they are so fat. Thanks for cleaning up that mess!

Mandy said...

It only takes a minute, and kids can create the BIGGEST disasters! Joy of motherhood right?? :)

Sandstone Writings said...

So funny! In a strange way it reminded me of when the Oxi-clean bounced off our dryer. Swept it up but had gritty feet for days after! Accidents (or things that are not) never end, do they?

Heather said...

Good thing moms are super quick at cleaning things up! Hopefully you can laugh about it --- it is pretty crazy what kids can do in no time at all~ :-)