Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rabbit Trails

***How is it that I do photography and I can't get my own kids' pictures done? I completely missed Halle's 3 month pictures. It just makes me want to scream. I did Chloee's 3 year pictures last week and she was terrible for me... and that is an understatement. Your kids are always 10 times worse for you than they are for other people.

***I wanted to get Halle's 6 month pictures done before any teeth popped through. She's been teething since about 3 months but nothing has popped through. I love that little toothless grin they do, when it's all gums. It's like they still have that baby look to them. Well, Halle is sick so I can't take her pictures and sure enough that tooth popped through. Just my luck.

***My kids are a magnetic force for sickness. NO JOKE! Just 2-3 weeks ago both of my girls were on antibiotics. Halle is sick again. Of course it is a viral infection so absolutely nothing that can be done. She can't breathe therefore she doesn't sleep. It's moved into her eyes. She screams majority of the day and on top of that, she got her 6 month shots on Monday. Yes, 7 vaccines on top of a wicked virus. It's been non stop fever, aches, pains, saline and sucking. My heart just aches for her, she's in so much pain.

***I am really tired of people thinking that because I do photography and I know them that I should do their pictures for free. It just infuriates me, especially the ones that drop hints about it, like I should want to do it for free or something.

***I have fallen in love with 6 new songs. I can't stop listening to them.
1. Better In Time by Leona Lewis.
2. Make Damn Sure by Taking Back Sunday
3. Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
4. Gives You Hell by All American Rejects
5. Paperthin Hymn by Anberlin
6. Citizen Soldier by 3 Doors Down

***I have to get my wisdom teeth out. Yep, all 4 of them. Joy! At least then I will have an excuse of why my cheeks are so enormous that I look like a chipmunk. Right now I only have that it's because I'm fat.

***The Williams girls are taking a trip to Vegas in November. Wahooooo!!! Back in June, I found these killer flights to nearby states. This way, Annie, would be doing the same traveling and it costs us all the same. Annie is coming from Cali and me and Amy will fly out together, that should be interesting, to say the least! My Mom couldn't make it work but she will be terribly missed.

***New Moon comes out ONE WEEK after our trip to Vegas. It would have been so fun to go see it together. I am so excited for New Moon to come out. It looks so good. It feels like it's been 3 years since Twilight came out. Can't they pump them out any faster than a year apart? :)

***Josh was in Canada last week for work. I went down and spent some time at Amy's. It was a blast, as always. We went and saw, The Time Traveler's Wife. It was superb. We watched 17 Again, it was a really cute show, definitely one I want to own. I can't even recall all the fun things we did. I do know that my stomach ached every day and night from laughing so hard.

***Amy has been such an incredible support to me through everything. She has been amazing and so willing to help in every aspect. She has been so good for me. I know it should be her that is going through the lows, she is the one that lost her husband, but her attitude and perspective can't help but raise just about anyone out of the depths of despair. She truly is amazing. I can't believe how well she is doing. I'm sure Micheal is so proud!

***Both Josh and I hadn't been to the dentist in 2 years. We finally bit the bullet and went a few weeks ago. Josh had 12 cavities and I had 10. Yeah, we'll have to sell one of our kids to pay for that. Amy went 8 YEARS without going to the dentist and only had 3! What's that all about?

***Chloee was out playing with our dog the other day and she came in and told me the funniest thing. She said, "Mom, I told Koda to sit 5 times and he wouldn't, so I gave his treat to the neighbor dog. That ought to teach him!" Seriously, where did she come from?

***Sometimes it feels like wounds won't heal no matter how long of time you give them. Some feel like they are just too deep and callused to the point where nothing can heal them. Sometimes the only thing that gives you a glimpse of a healing wound is your tears. Crying is so therapeutic, at least for me it is.


Amy and Micheal said...

I love rabbit trails!! I seriously about died reading how Cholee fed Koda's treat to the neighbor dog! And whatever do you mean 8 years? I'm sure you meant 8 months, right? No one would ever go that long without going to the dentist.

I am so excited for our girls trip in November! That will be so much fun! I know, wouldn't that have been perfect if New Moon came out while we were there? I feel so bad that poor Hallsies is so sick. It breaks my heart to see her so miserable. I hope she gets better soon. Thanks for making me cry. You are so sweet and I love coming up and spending time with you guys or when you come down here. Either way, it's a ton of fun! I love you more than you know, sistah, and I am so proud of you, too!

Marcus said...

I busted a gut when you wrote about Chloee giving the treat for Coda to the other dog how hilarious. She cracks me up.

Marcus said...

sorry I spelled Koda's name wrong. Excited to go on our trip.


Marcus said...

IT LOOKS like Micheal should be there right by dad's feet. I imagine him there. You should super impose him in there for fun. Thanks for taking such great pictures.

Heather said...

I love the snapshots of life . . . you have such a big heart and are such an amazing mom and friend! I admire you so much!

P.S. I love a good cry, too. Especially after a really hard one when you get the endorphins and sort of feel all buzzed and tingly. (That sounded bad, sorry!!)

The Johnson's said...

What? You won't take our family picture for free??? What is up with that?? ha ha I'm kidding and love your boldness there!!! It is just like when people we know get tickets and they come thinking Greg is going to get them out of it or something?? DUH! (I still can't believe you own a dog!! Want another one? hee hee)