Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always * Sometimes * Never

This was supposed to start out as a lighthearted post but considering the mood I am in today, I guess it came out pretty heavy. Amy was telling me about how this was on one of her friends blog and I decided to do it.

*I ALWAYS watch the biggest loser on Tuesday nights.
*I ALWAYS do laundry on Tuesdays. If nothing else gets done the rest of the week, the one constant thing is the laundry on Tuesday.
*I ALWAYS apologize for things that are not my fault and are completely out of my control.
*I ALWAYS cry at least once a day.
*I ALWAYS watch a sitcom episode before I go to bed. Right now, it's Frasier.

*I SOMETIMES swear. I would lean more towards always and less towards never but still, it's in the middle, so it's sometimes.
*I SOMETIMES cry at the thought of starting yet another day.
*I SOMETIMES don't shower for multiple days. Go ahead and judge, then get off my blog.
*SOMETIMES I don't answer my phone or my door, simply because I don't want to talk to anyone or see anyone else. Stop taking it so personally.
*SOMETIMES I question if The Lord really loves me.

*I NEVER feel like a good mom. Every day I feel like I'm reminded how much of a failure I am.
*I am NEVER happy with my pictures or really with anything I do. I guess you could say that I'm never satisfied.
*I NEVER cook dinner. I suck at it and I feel like I barely get through the day, attempting to make dinner would push me over the edge.
*I've NEVER liked many things about myself. Yep, I'd like a boob job, thicker hair, to be about 5 inches (at least) taller, to be back down to my normal weight and to have straight, white teeth. Unfortunately, all of those involve money, which isn't really an option right now.
*I have NEVER permanently dyed my hair. I like being a brunette. I'd never do blonde, if anything, I'd dye it darker.


Amy and Micheal said...

Good for you for letting it all out! I bet that was therapeutic. Life isn't ALWAYS a happy skippo love fest and I can't stand people that treat it that way. Be real, for once! (I'm talking about those people, not you, of course) All that perma-smile rainbow goodiness makes me want to gag.

thejohnmfamily said...

I think this is a fantastic list, and I say honesty makes us far more interesting. Good for you! And by the way, I never feel like a good mom either.

Sandstone Writings said...

Love this idea. Maybe it will get me back to blogging again!