Monday, November 1, 2010

The Upgrade

Chloee made an upgrade. A new backpack. Her old one was one that we got her when she was 2 and told us that she wanted to go to school.

It wasn't until she went to school that I realized that her backpack was tiny compared to all of the other kids' backpacks.

Hence the reason it fits little Miss Halle so well. It's just her size and she LOVES it!

The girls showing off their oh-so-cool backpacks. I love the way Halle is holding out the straps on hers.

And so the upgrade happened for both. Chloee upgraded to one her size and Halle... well, she upgraded to just having a backpack.

Everyday when Chloee goes to school, Halle cries and reaches for the window and screams, "Sissy Skoooo!" That is roughly translated to either, "I don't want sissy to go to school, stay here with me and help me torment mom" or "I want to go to school with you sissy, don't leave me here with crazy mom."

Either way, I'm not feeling so good about myself!


Amy and Micheal said...

What cuties!! Hals looks more than ready to go. And I love Chloee's new pack. It fits her well. What will you do with yourself when they are both gone to school? Come spend the day with me? Ok, what a great idea!! :)

Amy and Micheal said...

PS- love the new pics on your sidebar! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Chloee's backpack is so cute! Her hair is done so cute also! Your girls are so cute.