Thursday, March 24, 2011

Loungin' With The Mom... and Dad

Daddy's Girls All The Way.

Occasionally, they'll sit with me too. Just teasing, any time either of them are hurt, they want me. These pictures were taken right after Halle slammed her head into the wall and Chloee had tripped on the tile.

These pictures remind me a lot of what we do on Sundays. We usually eat some great meal, because let's face it, Josh is home and he can cook up something amazing. We then all sit on the couch downstairs and watch a movie together all curled up on the couch in blankets.


Bob and Marie said...

Your sundays sound SO fun! What a cute family you have.

Amy and Micheal said...

Are you sure you don't have a chocolate bar in your hand to lure them over there?? he he jk! You are such a cute mom and your girls adore you! Maybe it's Josh that has to lure them over there....