Saturday, October 8, 2011

Amy Is 30... That is So 6 Months Ago

My sweet sister, Amy, turned 30 today. Josh and Amy are about 6 months apart, Josh being older. It is something that he is always razzing her about. It makes me laugh so hard. On her birthday, he wished her a happy birthday and then said that it was, "SO 6 MONTHS AGO".

On Friday night, I waited until midnight so that I could be the first person to text her happy birthday. When Josh asked me who I was texting that late, I told him Amy and that I wanted to be the first person to text her. He instantly knocked my phone out of my hand and said HE was going to be the first. As I was trying to get my phone, he was holding my foot so I couldn't reach it as he started texting her. There was plenty of banter between the 3 of us through texts. Josh was totally sucking up to her by saying that he thought she was the sweet sister who never punched my bladder and that I was a liar. :)

We went up on Sunday night and had a birthday dinner at my mom's. It was lots of fun. We enjoyed laughing and Amy opening presents.

Happy 30th Amy! I've never known someone who wants to age so fast.... understandable, given your circumstances. You are an amazing woman, a wonderful mother, a fantastic friend and THE best sister. I love you.

Here's to getting older so you can see Micheal again!