Friday, May 8, 2009

From the mouth of babes..

Ok, so really from the mouth of Chloee but hey, either way it's pretty funny. That girl says the weirdest, funniest and oddest things. Here are just a few from the last few days.

*"Mom, Halle doesn't have a best friend but I do. My best friend is Nate. Halle can borrow him from me, that way she can have a best friend for a little bit."

*"When I'm 5, I get to ride a bus. When I'm 16, I can drive to Grandma's. I just can't wait!"

*"Mom, I miss Micheal. I didn't want him to die, but he did anyway. I'm sad!"

*(We were at the dr's office and in the waiting room, Mary Poppins was playing) "Dad, look Dad, it's Micheal. Look at Micheal. I thought Micheal was dead?" (Yes, she thought that Dick Van Dyke was Micheal. My Mom and I agree after talking about it that they do in fact look a lot alike.)

*"Take a chill pill, Hal!"

*(Anytime she sees ANY flag, she says...) "Look, it's Micheal's flag!" (All flags are Micheal's)

*"Holy crap Dad, it's snowing!"

*"Daddy, I can fix airplanes too!" (we tell her that's what Josh does for a job, it's easier than explaining what he actually does with the airplanes.)

*(in a complete and full out scream) "Mommy, you can't tell me what to do, I'M 3!!!"

*"Daddy, I can't put a wrapper on the ground or the cops will come get me and take me to jail."


Heather said...

Chloee is just so adorable! And smart too! I love all the adorable things she says. :-)

I hope you're doing good! :-)

Mandy said...

I love it. Sometimes I wish I had a tape recorder with me when my boys are talking. They say the funniest stuff! I'm glad that you're back posting! I've missed th updates. Halle is beautiful!!

Bob and Marie said...

HILARIOUS!! I can't believe she talks. Anytime I'm ever around her, she doesn't say two words. It was great seeing you last week. Thanks for coming down to Mom's party! We'll have to get together soon!

Renae Williams said...

I love the cute things that Chloee says all of the time, particularly the one about driving to grandma's house. yeah!!!

Jen said...

Hi, so glad you're posting again. Cute girls!

Amy and Micheal said...

Ha ha! She is so hilarious! I especially love the one about thinking that Micheal was Dick Van Dyke. That is so perfect for him, since he hates Mary Poppins! I love to hear the things that come out of her mouth.... although I'm sure most times it's harder to take as the mom. Their little advice and tantrums are always funnier about 24 hours later. You should make this a weekly post!

Karen said...

Loved this Kim! I think maybe that Chloee and Eli should never meet. The universe may implode. Good to hear from you again girl.