Thursday, January 14, 2010

It Should Be Banned From The English Language...

Yes, that is right, the word "no" needs to never be spoken again. If Chloee tells me "no" one more time, I think that I might explode. I hate that word, I despise it, I loathe it, the very thought of it makes me want to hurl. Every time I hear it come out of her mouth, I cringe like I'm hearing the F word.

I remember when I was so excited for her to be able to talk and I tried to work with her to do it when she was younger. Oh, how excited you are for your first to talk. Now, with Halle, are you kidding me, if she never talks, I'd be a happy mother. Okay, not really but if she never talked back or screamed or yelled or said no, then I'd be okay with it. Oh wait, that child doesn't exist!

I tell Chloee to do something, all I get is, "No". I tell her to go to her room, "No" she says. She is so dramatic. She screams and yells the entire way up the stairs to her room. If you're close by on her way up, she'll swat at you. She'll stop at the top of the stairs turn around and says, "I don't like you! I want a new Mommy! (spits)". It doesn't even affect me. Usually, I say back, "Well, I don't like you very much right now either." Oh, then she screams at the top of her lungs and runs into her room, as she slams the door as hard as she can. If I go up to talk to her about it or to spank her bottom, she just laughs at me, which only infuriates me more! I shut the door and lock it. Yes, we put the lock on the outside. She then proceeds to throw things at the door. AWHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

This is all before 10:00 AM. I think that my child is actually trying to kill me. She wants to see the headline, "Local Mother Killed By 3 Year Old Daughter" the caption below would say; "A local woman died this afternoon after having enough of her 3 year old disobeying and she screamed so loud, she passed out and never came to again." Okay, was that a little morbid sounding? I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Just venting, it's been a long, long, hard, frustrating day.


Foster Family said...

That's just a tad creepy that you have just described my daughter perfectly. :) Okay, so turning 4 has been good for her and she's not always quite as volatile. I feel your pain, though. There are days that I feel like the WORST parent on earth 'cause I can't even begin to control a 4 year old. Hang in there. They're worth it.

Amy and Micheal said...

You and I can petition together to get it removed. I can't stand it either. Kennet is really bad right now. And I hope it makes you feel better to know that you're not the only mom who has completely misbehaving children. Let it all vent, sistah! I think you are doing a great job! Especially raising girls, which I know nothing about.