Saturday, February 20, 2010

1 Year Ago Today

Dear Halle,

One year ago today you came into our lives. I was only in labor with you for 20 hours, as opposed to Chloee, who I was in labor with for 30 hours. Thanks for cutting that down for me!

You came early for a reason and you were/are the answer to many prayers. You came to us at a very specific time. You have been a healing force for so many in our family but especially to your Aunt Amy. A tragedy happened just 3 days after you were born. Your Uncle Micheal was killed in Iraq. Your daddy and him were best friends. Aunt Amy, Uncle Micheal and Mommy and Daddy were best friends. We did everything together. You came as a comfort, a healer and a peace maker through it all. Amy needed you so much, for you helped heal her aching heart. You always choose her over anyone else to hold you.

Something happened to Mommy a few months after you were born and I had to be away for a while. Amy took care of you and you thought of her as your Mom. You often, well always chose/choose her over me. There is definitely a great bond between the two of you!

Oh, look from the moment you were born you hated being bathed. See you're not at all different a year later.

I cried the first time I held you. I was so happy to be able to hold you and I felt so overwhelmed with joy. I was crying partly because I was so happy that I had decided not to breast feed and my life already felt so much easier than when I had your sister. :) JK

You've always been a daddy's girl.

Here we are with the wonderful doctor who delivered you! Dr. Horsley is amazing, that's why even though we live in Layton, we traveled up to Cache Valley to have you.

Awwwhhh, this was just the beginning of sisterly torture, which you've already begun to experience.

I love you Halle, probably more than you will ever know. I knew you were coming down with a specific purpose. That was evident in the fact that I had so many promptings to have you but I still didn't want to be pregnant again yet. It basically took beating me over the head with a hammer for me to realize how important it was that you come right then and that I needed to get pregnant. I now can see why! Thank you for being a part of our family!

When you were born these were your stats:

(Your middle name is unique. Your 2nd (or farther back) great grandpa was adopted into the Adams name. His lineage line is Page. We decided to name you after that line.)

(You weren't due until March 6th)

8 LBS 3 OZ
(Thank heavens you were 2 weeks early or the doctor said you would have been over 10 lbs.)

(You looked longer to me than Chloee did and she was 21 inches.)

6:12 PM
(Once again, thanks for letting labor with you only be 20 hours, instead of your sister's 30 hours.)

Love Always and Forever,


Karen said...

Happy Birthday Halle! What a sweet baby girl.

Amy and Micheal said...

Happy happy birthday to my sweet adorable Halle!! You have blessed my life more than you will ever know and I love being able to spend so much quality time with you. I love to watch you as you stare at a part of the room and wonder if Uncle Micheal is pulling funny faces at you.... or me. You are such cute, sassy little girl with a mind of your own. I love you so much. But your mom and dad, they put me to shame, you complete your family and we are blessed by your presence and timing of arriving here. Love you Fatts McNatts!