Sunday, February 14, 2010

Revenge of the Wisdom Teeth

I had my wisdom teeth taken out at the first of December. Since then I have had an infection that will not go away on my left, bottom side. We've tried 3 different medicines and it goes away for about a week and then comes back.

My oral surgeon wanted to see me on Thursday to look at the infection again. While I was there, he decided to just fix it right then. Thank heavens that Josh was in the waiting room with the girls. He took me back, numbed me up with the fabulously huge needle, which didn't totally numb me so he had to inject me 6 different times. Let's just say when he put the needle into the infected area I thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. He cut me up in 4 different places and cleaned out the areas. There was lots of tough tissue and puss that he had to clean out. He sewed me up and I was on my way.

The left side of my mouth was so numb that I felt like my lip was huge and of course you can't talk and you sound like an idiot. One of our friends said I looked like Two Face from Batman. Lots of swelling, I can't eat real food for 3 days or so, only cold liquids. It's been fantastic. Let's just say lots of Lortab and Ibuprofen is what's getting me through.

Why can't we ever do anything the easy way?


Marcus said...

Oh man that's terrible. I had to have mine out on 2 different occasions. I puked after they took out 2 of them and didn't go back for a year then I went to an oral surgeon. The only way to go. Hope you start feeling better and can actually eat and talk soon.


Foster Family said...

I'm so sorry --that's just miserable! I got an infection when I got mine out, too. Mouth pain is THE WORST! Hang in there.

Bob and Marie said...

You guys just seem to attract know that? I can't believe it. I wish..for once...something would just happen exactly the way it's supposed to for you guys. Plain, simple, easy, no stress... but then what would be have to read about on your blog? Keep those funny stories coming!

Amy and Micheal said...

You poor thing! I wish that I could take some of the things for you. I'd swallow all your horsey pills and even throw up for you, occasionally. :) I'm sorry your mouth is hurting so bad, but here's to hoping that the infection will be killed for good and not have the durability of a cockroach in a nuclear bomb. Nobody wants that! Love you, sistah!